St. John of the Cross photo

St. John of the Cross

San Juan de la Cruz (English:

St. John of the Cross

), born June 24 1542,Juan de Yepes Álvarez, was a major Counter-Reformation figure, a Spanish mystic, Catholic saint, Carmelite friar and priest. He was a reformer of the Carmelite Order and is considered, along with St Teresa of Ávila, as a founder of the Discalced Carmelites. He's also known for his writings. Both his poetry & his studies on the growth of the soul are considered the summit of mystical Spanish literature & a peak of all Spanish literature. He was canonized as a saint in 1726 by Pope Benedict XIII. He is one of the 33 Doctors of the Church.

“If you do not learn to deny yourself, you can make no progress in perfection.”
St. John of the Cross
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“At the evening of life, we shall be judged on our love" (CCC 1022; by St. John of the Cross)”
St. John of the Cross
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“If a man wishes to be sure of the road he’s traveling on, then he must close his syes and travel in the dark.”
St. John of the Cross
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“There is nothing better or more necessary than love.”
St. John of the Cross
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“Now that I no longer desire all, I have it all without desire.”
St. John of the Cross
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“Well and good if all things change, O Lord God, provided I am rooted in You.”
St. John of the Cross
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“Mi Amado, las montañas,los valles solitarios nemorosos,las ínsulas extrañas,los ríos sonorosos,el silbo de los aires amorosos,la noche sosegadaen par de los levantes de la aurora,la música callada,la soledad sonora,la cena que recrea y enamora. ~ San Juan de la Cruz”
St. John of the Cross
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“Where there is no love, put love -- and you will find love.”
St. John of the Cross
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“Love is the measure by which we shall be judged.”
St. John of the Cross
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“In the evening we shall be examined on love.”
St. John of the Cross
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“I came into the unknownand stayed there unknowingrising beyond all science.I did not know the doorbut when I found the way,unknowing where I was,I learned enormous things,but what I felt I cannot say,for I remained unknowing,rising beyond all science.It was the perfect realmof holiness and peace.In deepest solitudeI found the narrow way:a secret giving such releasethat I was stunned and stammering,rising beyond all science.I was so far inside,so dazed and far awaymy senses were releasedfrom feelings of my own.My mind had found a surer way:a knowledge of unknowing,rising beyond all science.And he who does arrivecollapses as in sleep,for all he knew beforenow seems a lowly thing,and so his knowledge grows so deepthat he remains unknowing,rising beyond all science.The higher he ascendsthe darker is the wood;it is the shadowy cloudthat clarified the night,and so the one who understoodremains always unknowing,rising beyond all science.This knowledge by unknowingis such a soaring forcethat scholars argue longbut never leave the ground.Their knowledge always fails the source:to understand unknowing,rising beyond all science.This knowledge is supremecrossing a blazing height;though formal reason triesit crumbles in the dark,but one who would control the nightby knowledge of unknowingwill rise beyond all science.And if you wish to hear:the highest science leadsto an ecstatic feelingof the most holy Being;and from his mercy comes his deed:to let us stay unknowing,rising beyond all science.”
St. John of the Cross
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“They can be like the sun, words.They can do for the heart what light can for a field.”
St. John of the Cross
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