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Stacey Turis

As an adult living with ADHD and Giftedness, Stacey's an expert on being weird. After thirty-five years of daily battle with her quirks, she finally decided it was time to hug it out and accept her differences for a more peaceful existence. Stacey has successfully learned to view the world of AD(H)D and Giftedness through her "special eyes" and maneuver through life accordingly. She no longer feels like offing herself on a daily basis, and realizes that both gifts allow her a magical perspective on life that comes from intimately engaging with the universe in ways that don't meet the eyes and can't be explained. She considers that a good thing.

Stacey Turis is an adult living with ADHD and giftedness who earned her degree in broadcast journalism from Wichita State University. She co-produced and hosted a TV show for a FOX affiliate before pursuing a career in advertising, then graphic design, then market research, then photography, then IT, then acting, then...

In 2006, she became certified to teach Yoga but didn't, then founded, an online, holistic pet-health site, with an iPhone app called Dr. Shawn's Natural Pet Therapies to match. In 2010, she developed a course to teach families how to live more natural lifestyles, which she taught for about a month. She then started a Facebook page called ADHD - Tales of an Absent-Minded Superhero, for wacky folks like herself. That is still exciting enough to hold her interest.

She has, through the years, unsuccessfully started twenty-seven businesses but can't remember most of them. She loves speaking to groups of the same kind of wacky folks, where she's not afraid to stop mid-speech and ask, "What was I talking about?" She lives in Texas with her husband, two kids, a dog, three cats, and eight goldfish.

“But until everyone is allowed to be, and most importantly, celebrated for being the people they were destined to be, the doors leading to some of our most important riches and discoveries will remain tightly locked, and gifts that should have and definitely would have been presented to the world, and widely celebrated by all, will remain behind those locked doors in a dusty box, hidden by shadows, untouched and unopened, as if they never even existed. Meanwhile, the soul, aware of its own magic, will move through life from birth to death, with every fiber of its being silently screaming that all is not as it should be.”
Stacey Turis
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“Just doing the audition was going to be an experience, and I am a true collector of life experiences. I live for life experiences. I put them in my pocket like shiny rocks, and take them out every now and then to appreciate and reflect on them. I once read an article that the Eastern Indian culture considers those with AD(H)D to be old, wise souls that are coming to the end of their reincarnations, so they must pack as many life experiences and lessons into their few remaining lifetimes as possible. Makes sense to me--that's why we always have so much shit going on!”
Stacey Turis
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“Not that I'm bipolar, but that I'm two people, and not just two people, but two people at odds with each other. The mom and the kid, the homebody and the explorer, the strong and the weak, the logical and the emotional, the funny and the sad, the angry and the calm, the open and the closed, the loved and the hated, the hot and the cold, the alive and the dead, the beautiful and the ugly. It's exhausting. I. Am. Exhausting.”
Stacey Turis
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“Isn't it better when people are pleasantly surprised rather than mildly disappointed by that which is you?”
Stacey Turis
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