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Staci Hart

I was the kid who stayed inside to read.

As a four-eyed nerd with a bad perm, I was no one’s dodgeball pick, but I had a lot of friends. Frodo and Bilbo, for instance. Kristy, Stacey, Claudia and the gang (iykyk). Once, in the third grade, I wrote a teen murder mystery inspired by Christopher Pike. On solving my mystery in twelve pages, I decided I was a terrible writer and should never, ever do that again.

Fortunately, I didn’t take my own advice.

I write romance for that feeling you get at the end, like you’re standing on top of a mountain with a backpack full of hundred dollar bills. I write romcoms because is there anything better than banter and grand gestures? I write because I love to create and I love words. I love books, and I love stretching my imagination. I love love, and if you do too, bring your coffee and have a seat. I think we’re gonna be friends.

Stay connected!



Reader Group:

“Lex’s long eyelashes almost brushed her eyebrows as she looked up at him, her cheeks pink, a secret smile in the corner of her rosy lips. And he was supposed to stay away from that? A battle of will, indeed. He took a long pull of his drink as she walked by.”
Staci Hart
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“A solitary eyebrow inched up Perry’s forehead. “Your lust for meat never ceases to amaze me.”“Don’t judge,” Dita said around a mouthful of bacon.”
Staci Hart
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“Girls got sucked into Dean’s gravity like rogue meteors, only to go down in glorious flames.”
Staci Hart
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