Stanisław Brzozowski photo

Stanisław Brzozowski

Stanisław Brzozowski was a Polish philosopher, writer, publicist, literary and theatre critic. He is considered to be one of the most important Polish philosophers of all time and is known for his concept of the 'philosophy of labour', rooted in Marxism. Besides Marx, among his major inspirations were Sorel, Nietzsche, Bergson, Carlyle, and Newman. Brzozowski's core idea was based on the concept of socially engaged intellectual (artist). Although he was in favour of historical materialism, he strongly argued against its deterministic interpretation. In his philosophical approaches, Brzozowski rejected all the concepts that were comodyfing a human being.

Polish intellectuals (Czesław Miłosz, Andrzej Walicki, Leszek Kołakowski) have stressed that Brzozowski's interpretations of Marx's early writings, not widely known at the time of their formulation, largely anticipated those presented later by György Lukács and Antonio Gramsci.

“Rozpacz jest rzeczą łatwiejszą, niż spokojne i zimne spojrzenie na rzeczy tak, jak są one. Bardziej niż wszelkie braki kultury ciąży i jest groźniejszy wewnętrzny rozstrój woli, wzrastający brak odwagi.”
Stanisław Brzozowski
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