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Stant Litore

“The problem with aging was not that death was near, for death was always near. The problem with aging was that a woman began to carry too many memories within her.”
Stant Litore
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“He knew all the stories. His grandfather had given them to him when he sat between the old man’s knees as a child. It was a comfort, though, to hear them again. To call them to mind. All these stories that made him more than just a vintner and more than just a man who carried a spear whom other men were willing to follow. More than just a man who lay dying. The stories made him one of the People, who would never die.”
Stant Litore
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“For the human memory is short, and even when we write it in stone we quickly forget and the stones crumble and even those stones then forget.”
Stant Litore
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