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Stef Penney

“Tomorrow is always a better day to be an idiot.”
Stef Penney
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“ just goes to show you can't leave anything behind. You bring it all with you, whether you want to or not.”
Stef Penney
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“He thought of the next Saturday. [...] He thought of the picnic by the dipping pool on the river, where oaks and willows dappled the sun on water the color of tea; and girls in light summer dresses would sit in pools of pale cotton. And he knew he would not go.”
Stef Penney
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“I despise this weakness in myself--this endless one-sided conversation that takes the place of action...”
Stef Penney
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“He smiled to show he meant no offense, but Scott takes offense like it is going out of style, and bristled.”
Stef Penney
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“Clearly the secret of a variation on the general principle of banging your head against a wall, and then stopping.”
Stef Penney
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