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Stefanie Oberhansley

From the depths of an overactive imagination comes new stories, often with unexpected twists and glorious detail. S. M. Oberhansley has a knack for writing horror, thriller, paranormal, undead, and other scary stories, bring to life fresh, new takes on old legends, myths, and other aspects of the mysterious unknown.

Diagnosed with a very rare form of cancer at six years old, S. M. was not expected to live to see her seventh birthday. This childhood experience left her with a deep appreciation for life and all its aspects, and she often brings this unique view to her fiction.

She has been called a "disturbed author" with a "twisted imagination" on more than one occasion, and her work has been compared to Stephen King, Agatha Christie, Anne Rice, and even William Shakespeare.

Currently, she is working on the second installment of her zombie apocalypse trilogy. After that, she has several paranormal mysteries and other horror novels planned for release. She is a new breakout author, and definitely one to pay attention to in the coming years.

“The only limits we have are the ones we give ourselves.”
Stefanie Oberhansley
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