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Steffan Piper

Born in Pennsylvania and raised in California, England and various parts of Alaska. Attended school at the University of Alaska,Anchorage and the University of Los Angeles, California. Served honorably in the U.S. Marine Corps and is a Veteran of The Persian Gulf War.

Once a resident of Alaska, the Mayor of Nome asked him to 'leave and never return,' due to a minor misunderstanding.

Steffan Piper currently lives on the outskirts of Los Angeles with his family. Most of his writing occurs in the dead of night unlike the bulk of his contemporaries. Despite the rumors, Steffan remains a Best-Selling Author, Screenwriter and Poet.

“Enjoy the things that you know in your heart wont last.”
Steffan Piper
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“The best things in life are those that you’ll never speak of.”
Steffan Piper
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“Those you love the most are not obligated to love you back – and often won’t.”
Steffan Piper
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“No one will ever love you as much as you want them to.”
Steffan Piper
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“Good books should be an overwhelming assault upon the personality.”
Steffan Piper
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“Some people will tell you that they make, or have made, sacrifices for you, but don't buy it. The truth is simple: everything they ever did was for themselves, and what they did had little bearing on what was best for you. You were just along for the ride. You were just furniture, luggage, window dressing, dead weight to them. At least it's a good thing that you're hip to it now.”
Steffan Piper
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“Always try to be good to people don't always put yourself first, and don't always expect things to be fair, because they won't be.”
Steffan Piper
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“When you're a man, they'll sell you back your dreams that they're about to steal from you now.”
Steffan Piper
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“‎When there is no accountability ... there will be no accountability.”
Steffan Piper
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“Maybe that's all real love was--just something that happened quickly and vanished, a kind of gesture to a stranger or a fleeting moment of passion.”
Steffan Piper
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