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Stephan Pastis

Stephan Pastis was born in 1968 and raised in San Marino, California, a suburb of Los Angeles. He graduated from the University of California at Berkeley in 1989 with a degree in political science. Although he had always wanted to be a syndicated cartoonist, Pastis realized that the odds of syndication were slim, so he entered UCLA Law School in 1990 and became an attorney instead. He practiced law in the San Francisco Bay area from 1993 to 2002. While an attorney, he began submitting various comic strip concepts to all of the syndicates, and, like virtually all beginning cartoonists, got his fair share of rejection slips. Then, in 1997, he began drawing Pearls Before Swine, which he submitted to the syndicates in mid-1999. In December, 1999, he signed a contract with United.

Pearls Before Swine debuted in newspapers in January, 2002, and Pastis left his law practice in August of that year. Pearls Before Swine was nominated in 2003, 2004 and 2007 as "Best Newspaper Comic Strip" by the National Cartoonists Society (NCS) and won the award in 2004 and 2007. Pastis lives with his family in Northern California.

“You act like a team player,you be nice to everyone for your entire life,then you die.”
Stephan Pastis
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“Humility is what you strive for when you've failed at everything else.”
Stephan Pastis
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“It's best to love your family as you would a Siberian tiger-from a distance, preferably separated by bars.”
Stephan Pastis
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“My wife Staci made me go to a wedding last weekend...If it weren’t for her, I’d be happy.”
Stephan Pastis
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“When people bore me, I close my eyes and try to remember the order the Seven Dwarfs marched in. But it's not always the dwarfs I think about. Sometimes aI try to list all of the Canadian provinces.”
Stephan Pastis
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“I put Post-It notes everywhere to remind me of everything. I stick a ton of them on my computer monitor, telephone, and wallet. The problem now is that there are so many of them that my mind has blocked them all out. So I now need Post-It notes to remind me to look at my Post-It notes.”
Stephan Pastis
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“I recently forced myself to read a book on quantum physics, just to try and learn something new. I was confused by the middle of the first sentence and it all went downhill from there. The only thing I can remember learning is that a parallel universe can theoretically be contained on the head of a needle. I don't really know what that means, but I am now more careful handling needles.”
Stephan Pastis
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“If a restaurant offers crayons, I always take them and color throughout the meal. It beats talking to the people I came to dinner with.”
Stephan Pastis
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“One funny image can sometimes save an otherwise mediocre strip. At least that's what I tell myself so I don't feel quite as crappy when I've just wasted four hours drawing and coloring a Sunday strip.”
Stephan Pastis
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“Whenever I see people with their collars up, I'm tempted to point it out to them like you would for someone who has a food stain on their shirt or food in their teeth, as if to say, 'Your fashion sense is so offensive I'm assuming it's some sort of accident you'll want to fix.”
Stephan Pastis
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“I seem to be able to get away with pun strips if I add a panel at the end where I somehow indicate that I know it's a bad pun.”
Stephan Pastis
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“Perhaps it is a secret yearning of all Hallmark employees to use the phrase 'you big fat pain in the butt' in an anniversary card.”
Stephan Pastis
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“Man, I put myself in a lot of comic strips. Something's wrong with my sense of self.”
Stephan Pastis
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“I'm very harsh on real estate agents. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because of how the call every small house 'charming' and every run-down house a 'great fixer-upper'. Just once, I'd like them to show me a house and declare, 'This one's a piece of crap'.”
Stephan Pastis
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“When I was at the University of California at Berkeley, I went to some classes that must have had more than four hundred students in them. I almost always sat in the far back of the auditorium so I could read the newspaper. I remember that I stayed late one day to ask the professor a question, and when I got up to him, all I could think to myself was, 'So this is what the professor looks like.”
Stephan Pastis
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“When I say 'friends,' I use that term loosely, as I don't actually have any.”
Stephan Pastis
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“When you can't draw chameleons and you can't draw blenders, it's a bad idea to write strips where chameleons become blenders.”
Stephan Pastis
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“The phrase 'I just turn on my monkey and it makes me feel good' sounds very dirty, but I can't explain why. It's great to try to use expressions like that on the comics page. People want to complain but they can't, because they can't figure out quite what they should be complaining about.”
Stephan Pastis
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“Having a syndicated comic strip is a great platform for ripping on expressions you hate.”
Stephan Pastis
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“On the list of things I cannot draw, wedding dresses are right there next to cars.”
Stephan Pastis
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“Scott Adams: From him, I learned how to write a three-panel comic. Probably the best pure writer on the comics page.”
Stephan Pastis
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“Gary Larson: The funniest cartoonist I’ve ever seen. His two-volume set (The Complete Far Side) should be the textbook in any course taught on how to be funny on the comics page.”
Stephan Pastis
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“Everyone cites [Charles Schulz], but it’s with good reason. He taught me timing, tone, character development, practically everything.”
Stephan Pastis
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“Most poetry just confounds me. I really want to like it, but I can't help thinking it's a hoax. (p. 24)”
Stephan Pastis
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