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Stephanie Hudson

Stephanie Hudson is a #1 Amazon bestselling Author. She had dreamed of being a writer ever since her obsession with reading books at an early age. What first became a quest to overcome the boundaries set against her in the form of dyslexia, has turned into a life's dream.

Afterlife is the first book in the series of 12 books, with the story of Keira and Draven becoming ever more complicated in a world that sets them miles apart. The Transfusion Saga will also be a 12 book series once book 12 is released in May 2021. Other spin -off books and series are also available with lots more planned.

When not writing, Stephanie enjoys chatting with her fans and spending time with her friends. Being with her loving family as much as she can including her wonderful daughter Ava, sons Jack and Halen and supportive husband and personal muse Blake, who is there for her no matter what.

“Anyway, I heard you and your Mother-in-Law kicked ass! Shame his daddy'o wasn't around for the family reunion, although I doubted a battle is the right way to say 'hi,my name's Kiera and I am sexing up your son's man stick.”
Stephanie Hudson
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“Such strength behind these eyes, that your soul glows through. Blinding. Captivating. Torturing. You may be as stubborn as a mule on a cliff side but any man would find the true meaning of foolishness to ever forget these facts.”
Stephanie Hudson
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“What is it about you Keira, that has a man wanting to fuck you senseless into submission one minute and strangle the breath from your body the next?”
Stephanie Hudson
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“What was it about this man that one minute had me wanting to throw myself at him, climb him like a cat to rub up against and the next, wanting to scratch his eyes out while I was up there?”
Stephanie Hudson
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“Don't worry Toots, I told ya before, you don't have the right equipment to tempt me but if my tastes ever change from muscle to moobs then I might jump you.”
Stephanie Hudson
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“What was it about the Draven brothers that had you doing anything they wished of you. It wasn't just their voice,it was everything, every tiny little supernatural molecule they possessed had you jumping to whatever beat they set. It was their sheer strength. Their inbuilt authority and their never ending power to use at will. And I was hooked like a junkie.”
Stephanie Hudson
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“Incredible. Humans are such irrational creatures. So here you sit,a small space filled with demons that could tear you limb from limb as easy as pulling wings off a butterfly and you're scared of the helicopter crashing, which has a less than 2 percent chance... tell me Keira girl, what do you think the percentage is of a vampire sucking a human dry?”
Stephanie Hudson
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“May I remind you, I am half Demon and I know full well how attracted I am to your dark side, just as the Angel in me is addicted to the shy and good girl that stands before me now.”
Stephanie Hudson
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“I had lost all hope believing that the Gods had created a soul mate to belong to me but now I have you here in my arms, I know it was worth all my lifetimes in wait.”
Stephanie Hudson
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“You have to let go of your past Keira. These scars you hold are only skin deep, they do not connect to your heart or your soul. These scars do not define you, you define them. They do not represent death and destruction like you think, they represent life, the life you chose to want to live... so... make it worth it.”
Stephanie Hudson
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“I let out a gasp at the surprise with him getting to me so fast. It was kind of dating superman in that way, and instead of the cape and spandex, I got wings and a Armani suit!”
Stephanie Hudson
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“Good does not exist without the evil and right does not hold weight without knowing the wrong.”
Stephanie Hudson
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“I loved him and I would love him until every fibre in my body was gone and had turned to dust, but even when my bones had joined the earth, the memory of our love would live on beyond the ages.”
Stephanie Hudson
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“His voice was like ice, cold and unforgiving, which was like hearing a different Draven altogether. Here he wasn't my Draven, soft and gentle. NO, here he was the Master, here he was the one in control... here, he was a God!”
Stephanie Hudson
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