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Stephanie Lehmann

My novels are The Art of Undressing, Thoughts While Having Sex, Are you in the Mood?, and You Could Do Better. They aren't as sexy as they sound, which could be good or bad depending on your point of view.

My new novel is Astor Place Vintage, and that will be published by Simon and Schuster in 2013. It's about a woman who works in a department store in 1907 Manhattan and a woman who owns a vintage clothing store on the Lower East Side in 2007.

I'm currently building a website for the book at with lots of photographs and historical information I wasn't able to use for the novel but loved to learn about.

“Seemed like no matter how much money people had, they were desperate to have more, desperate to look good compared to everyone else. Why bother to impress when all anyone else cared about was how impressive THEY were?”
Stephanie Lehmann
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