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Stephanie Mayfield

Happily married to a VERY understanding and wonderful man, we have three beautiful children who thankfully think it's funny for their mother to babble to herself and argue with her computer while she's home from work. They now know that moomies just talking to the people in her head (lol) but in a good way. My full-time career is in Healthcare, but I'm hoping to make writting my career.

“I have found that fate has a warped tendency to let things simmer down for awhile to lead you to believe everything is all hunky dory. Content on just letting the life altering hurdles lay beneath a seemingly calm surface, luring you blindly into a new chapter of your life with the impression of smooth sailing up ahead only to have the unexpected spring up in front of you. Testing you, to see whether or not you have what it takes to roll with the waves, or sink like a stone beneath the waves. It is up to you to decide to stand back up, brush it off and continue fighting.”
Stephanie Mayfield
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