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Stephen Biro

Stephen has done a little bit of everything in his life. A little school, a little college, a little death metal, a lot of comic books and a whole lot of violence. Now... let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let's build up the momentum for you. He owned a comic book store by the name of Hooked on Comics for several years before the industry imploded. Luckily, he got out when the getting was good. Then he became a world famous video pirate for 7 years and turned it into a world-class underground video store in Ybor City FL by the name of Video Mayhem. The next logical step was to get into the movie business. That's when Unearthed Films was born back in 2001.

With his savvy looks and reputation. Stephen took Unearthed Films into uncharted territory and became the most extreme DVD label in the US and can even be said, of the world. With releases like THE GUINEA PIG SERIES, AFTERMATH, SLAUGHTERED VOMIT DOLLS and producing such gore-tastic delights like PHILOSOPHY OF A KNIFE and SLOW TORTURE PUKE CHAMBER. Unearthed Films has been heralded as the hardest film company this side of Hell.

During all of that time, Stephen wrote screenplays and rewrites for independent companies while working hard on his memoir, HELLUCINATION.

Stephens fan base and connections in the horror industry and comic book world, have been shocked by his bold display and attitude for his newest novel. No one was ready for the president of Unearthed Films to step into the limelight and tell everyone he has met God, danced with the Devil and has been to Hell.

Neither did they know that, at one time... Stephens psychedelic conquest of this reality and into the next, would rival Hunter S Thompson and Ken Kesey's drug intake.

Stephen came back from the other side of this reality with fresh and invigorating tales that go beyond simple horror, psychology and theology. Even though HELLUCINATION took him ten years to write, his new novel is the 3rd of the way done and I have read it, in screenplay format and I have to say. It’s unlike anything I have ever read and I am really looking forward to the novel form. But yet… I read Hellucination and it made me question everything about me and scare the living Hell into me. I wasn’t expecting this from him, just as you won’t.

Steve asked me to write his biography because he's not into selling himself. I'm David Hood and I've known Steve for about ten years now. I'm his graphic designer and website developer. I have to tell you, when you’re with him and he tells you what happened to him. It gives you shivers because there is no hesitancy, no doubt what he went through. I saw him at an author panel at a convention last week and one of the moderators asked Stephen what his book was about.

The room was filled with over 50 people and he began telling them the truth of Hellucination, meeting God, being manipulated by the Devil, having drinks with self-proclaimed Antichrists and then being sent to Hell after his meeting with God and the room fell silent. And, when he was done... it stayed silent for over a minute until one of the others authors said... "Listen to the silence in this room. I have never heard it this quite, not even in church for this long."

Everyone laughed to make themselves at ease. I know it's on video because somebody was videotaping it. I'm going to have to find it because it’s very spooky. (Steve, I hope you keep this part in. It was so cool to watch you shock so many people in a room to dead silence. )

So that’s Stephen in a nutshell.

David Hood

“Imagine your life is a big canvas. Picture it in your mind and think about the beginnning of your painting of life.You're fourteen yours old, and you are lucky if you have one seventh painted. Now imagine the rest of the canvas is totaly empty. Every day you live, and every month and every year, means another inch that is painted on that canvas. You're going to be painting this empty canvas with your life and when you get to the end of it, what is that painting going to look like?”
Stephen Biro
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“You twitch as the darkness moves in and out of you. It crawls up your spine and nestles in your brain like an evil thought from out of nowhere, burying itself in your psyche like a starving leech looking for a vein.”
Stephen Biro
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“There is a God and there is a Devil. The Bible is the living word of God and there are more Antichrists living among us then you could ever believe or even truly understand”
Stephen Biro
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