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Stephen Herfst

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If I had to define myself in a few words, it would be:

"Reserved, outgoing, thinking, reflective, driven, lazy, observant, competitive, confident, doubtful"

Depending on my mood, the topic and the people around me, I can be many things. When I began life I wanted to be a programmer but now I just want to be independent. I am always open to trying new things and have always made it a habit of doing things I haven’t done before.

I was born in Germany, from Dutch-South African descent and live in Australia although I'm currently working in Philadelphia California Richmond Kansas City and my family lives in Malaysia. I don’t believe that I can define one country as my home and hope to travel for the rest of my life.

I am a Software Engineer by trade but have always loved books. During my early years I would read about 5-10 books every two weeks and have always had a fertile imagination. My world was novels but in later years I find it harder to spare the time. I have always had side projects along-side my formal work and have always wanted to write but haven’t found a topic that has interested me until now.

I released my first novel on February 18. It took one month to write, followed by three months of editing. I am proud of this novel, although I am not yet finished. I have two more novels to write in this series, as well as a number of pet projects in the work that I feel 'have legs'.

My hobbies include Tennis, Squash, Texas Hold'em, Restaurants (yes that's a hobby), watching good movies and reading good books.

“It is meant to be survival of the fittest, not survival of the most floral.”
Stephen Herfst
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“I'm tired of zombies - that's why I reinvented them”
Stephen Herfst
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“Fear makes them blind. But is it the failure of humans, rather than zombies that causes this?”
Stephen Herfst
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“If brute force is not working you're not using enough”
Stephen Herfst
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“Constantly thinking gets quite tiresome.'Tell me ‘bout it,’ she says, although I doubt her sincerity.”
Stephen Herfst
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“I know I will never be a ‘real human’ again but I know I can get far closer than I ever thought possible”
Stephen Herfst
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“Is it zombies that need to be destroyed for the sake of humans? Are we the monsters after all?”
Stephen Herfst
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“By attempting to give everyone rights, no one has rights”
Stephen Herfst
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“No one should be given a “pity save”
Stephen Herfst
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“By being everything to everyone you're nothing to anyone”
Stephen Herfst
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