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Stephen J. Rossetti

“Mystics find themselves delighted in being surprised again and again by the many loving manifestations of God . . . "Surprise" is one of the hallmarks of a true manifestation of the divine. This may be because God wants us to learn and relearn more deeply that his presence is a gift that cannot be earned or controlled. Or, it may simply be that God wants to surprise his beloved. ”
Stephen J. Rossetti
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“The mystical life is a hidden life. It is a life hidden in God. It flourishes best when not exposed to public scrutiny . . . Its increasing inner fullness of the divine presence is largely concealed except when it blossoms forth in a radiant face and a joy-filled smile. ”
Stephen J. Rossetti
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“These moments of joy are fleeting. We cannot reach out and grab onto God. When we try to grab onto him, he remains always just beyond our fingertips. Only God can reach across the abyss and touch us . . . One might ask. “How do mystics pray?” The answer is clear: mystics pray by keeping watch. It is not the consolations that ultimately speak to us of God. No, it is not the consolations. Rather, it is paradoxically, the waiting. As we learn to wait, we become awake. In the very act of keeping vigil, we become awake to God’s presence.”
Stephen J. Rossetti
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