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Stephie Davis

“Forget boys and read a good book. Or study. When you're twenty-five and ranking in the big bucks, men will be falling all over you're a successful professional woman.”
Stephie Davis
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“He slipped his hands around my waist and pulled me against him, tossing the ice cream cone over his shoulder. It landed with a splat on the sidewalk. "So does that mean I have a varsity girlfriend?"I giggled like a total girl and linked my hands behind his neck. "Yeah I guess it does.""Sweet." Then he bent his head, and I stood up on my tiptoes and we met in the middle. And it was perfect.”
Stephie Davis
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“There’s a reason I always look nice when I go to work.” I kept a scowl on my face while she hustled me upstairs.“Because you’ll get fired if you look like a slob?”“Because, my little grouch, it makes me feel better on the inside if I like how I look on the outside.”
Stephie Davis
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