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Steve Maraboli

“You were born to journey in the direction of your purpose. Anything that halts your progress is contrary to your design.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Like a gift, beautifully wrapped at the foot of your bed each morning, today asks that you open it and enjoy everything inside. Exhaust yourself with all it has to offer!”
Steve Maraboli
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“Happiness, Success, Excellence: They are not something you get for knowing the path; they are something you experience by walking it.”
Steve Maraboli
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“We would do ourselves a tremendous favor by letting go of the people who poison our spirit.”
Steve Maraboli
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“There is nothing better for your family than for you to be at your best, for you to be at your own peace, for you to be showing them in every way who you are, and what you stand for.”
Steve Maraboli
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“You can still make today the day you change yourself, love yourself, forgive yourself, respect yourself, honor yourself, cherish yourself, admire yourself, express yourself, be true to yourself... It’s never too late!”
Steve Maraboli
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“It's not about having an absence of fear, it's about having dominance over it.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Don’t let the agony, regret, or fog of yesterday blind you to the fact that each new day carries with it a plethora of opportunities to move your life into the right direction.”
Steve Maraboli
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“This magical universe is so faithful in waiting for us to get out of our own way. No matter how long you have gone astray, when you take action, the universe moves to support the act. Move in the direction of your goals and watch the magic flow.”
Steve Maraboli
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“How much longer will you sit back and wait for your dream to spontaneously come true? Too many days, weeks, months, and years have passed! Do not be unresponsive to your own dreams. Now, set a course of action that will lead to bringing your dream into reality.”
Steve Maraboli
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“I'm not crying because of you; you're not worth it. I'm crying because my delusion of who you were was shattered by the truth of who you are.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Be driven with purpose. Be relentless in your alignment with excellence. Pay no mind to the disimpassioned impotent haters.”
Steve Maraboli
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“From warm meals, to daily exercise, to healthcare; one can't help but wonder how our society would be different if tended to the elderly as we do to our imprisoned.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Red Carpet Events:Sitting on the couch and watching people who actually chase their goals and dreams; criticizing what they’re wearing… and wondering why we’re depressed.”
Steve Maraboli
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“The volume of your voice does not increase the validity of your argument.”
Steve Maraboli
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“It is surprising to me that one of the great crimes of history has gone unnoticed; the abduction of god by religions. This slight-of-hand has been the cause of countless blood-shed and has been found at the root of innumerable acts of evil. The argument continues today, as to which religion the true god belongs, when what would be most healing and empowering is to free god from the shackles of religious limitation and judgment. It is by emancipating god from the ignorance of our ancestors that we become empowered to explore and express our own relationship with what god may or may not be.”
Steve Maraboli
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“With no action to nourish it, your dream becomes a fantasy.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Your life is a reflection of how effectively you balance potential and kinetic energy.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Nobody ever talks about the pyramids that weren't built, the books that weren't written, the songs that weren't sung. Stop letting your fear condemn you to mediocrity. Get out of your own way. Your dreams are a poetic reflection of your soul's wishes. Be courageous enough to follow them. There is no greater time than now to experience the full power of your potential. Make this the day you take the first step in the beautiful journey of bringing your dreams to life.”
Steve Maraboli
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“The only permission, the only validation, and the only opinion that matters in our quest for greatness is our own.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Pay attention! At all moments of the day you are either leading or being led.”
Steve Maraboli
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“The past will be your teacher if you learn from it; your master if you live in it.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Cemeteries are full of unfulfilled dreams... countless echoes of 'could have' and 'should have'… countless books unwritten… countless songs unsung... I want to live my life in such a way that when my body is laid to rest, it will be a well needed rest from a life well lived, a song well sung, a book well written, opportunities well explored, and a love well expressed.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Every great tragedy forms a fertile soil in which a great recovery can take root and blossom...but only if you plant the seeds.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Don't let other people's opinions distort your reality. Be true to yourself. Be bold in pursuing your dreams. Be unapologetically you!”
Steve Maraboli
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“If you want drama, settle for the one who will change your relationship status. If you want love, wait for the one who will change your life.”
Steve Maraboli
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“We must remember balance and moderation. Patience can be spiritually enriching and virtuous… but when taken in excess, it turns to procrastination, the poison of inaction.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Your life is a reflection… you don't get what you WANT, you get what you ARE. You gotta BE it to SEE it.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Just because your pain is understandable, doesn't mean your behavior is acceptable.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Why would you give someone the power to tell you that you can't go further when they don't even know how far you've come?”
Steve Maraboli
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“Meeting you was not the first day of the rest of my life; it was the first day of the BEST of my life.”
Steve Maraboli
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“My soul feels reborn each time I see you; falling in love with you again and again.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Forever is a measure of time used by people who share an ordinary love. Our extraordinary love is immeasurable...for us, forever just won’t do.”
Steve Maraboli
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“When you judge a woman by her appearance, it doesn't define her, it defines you. Ladies, never allow yourself to be defined by someone's inability to appreciate your unique beauty.”
Steve Maraboli
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“There is no problem this universe can hand you that you aren't innately designed to solve. If it has been handed to you, it can be handled by you. This is the brilliant effectiveness of our design.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Love encompasses so much, reaches so far, and heals so deeply, that any attempt to describe it, no matter how poetic, only dilutes it.”
Steve Maraboli
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“What we call consciousness is our ability to perceive stimuli and to file it within the parameters of our personal story.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Sometimes the comfort of being in a relationship lulls you into mundane complacency; you become irrelevant in each other’s lives. We call this phenomenon 'growing apart'.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Sometimes there are stormy moments in your life when your friends do more than just walk with you; they become angels that carry you and protect you with their wings.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Most board meetings amount to little more than intellectual masturbation. They are ideas that cause thrills, chills, and satisfaction, but there is no impregnation. Nothing is ever born of them. It’s intellectual masturbation.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Excuses are a time thief. Have a goal, accept responsibility, and take action!”
Steve Maraboli
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“Choose to do more than just exist; choose to live.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Life is too short to waste time waiting for other people's approval on how you live it.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Every step towards your dream today is a step away from your regret tomorrow.”
Steve Maraboli
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“When we replace a sense of service and gratitude with a sense of entitlement and expectation, we quickly see the demise of our relationships, society, and economy.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Don't look for society to give you permission to be yourself.”
Steve Maraboli
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“It doesn't matter if you're 20, 40, 60, 80, or 100. Embrace your sexy-ass self and express it!”
Steve Maraboli
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“Being close but feeling far, talking but not being heard, loving but not being loved, that is the painful reality of a dying relationship.”
Steve Maraboli
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“The only thing that makes life unfair is the delusion that it should be fair.”
Steve Maraboli
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“The victim mindset produces a delusion of fault and blame that blinds you from the simple truth of cause and effect.”
Steve Maraboli
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