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Steve Maraboli

“You have a unique gift to offer this world. Be true to yourself, be kind to yourself, read and learn about everything that interests you and keep away from people who bring you down. When you treat yourself kindly and respect the uniqueness of those around you, you will be giving this world an amazing gift... YOU!”
Steve Maraboli
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“100% of a Guru’s marketing plan depends on you holding the belief that you are not enough; that you were created less equipped than necessary to fulfill your purpose. What if you let go of that belief and connected with the truth of your innate power to change and shape your life? You ARE enough. You CAN change and shape your own life. Anyone who tells you different is simply lying. Your life has immeasurable potentiality for greatness; act accordingly.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Your opinion is not my reality.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Today is a new day. Don't let your history interfere with your destiny! Let today be the day you stop being a victim of your circumstances and start taking action towards the life you want. You have the power and the time to shape your life. Break free from the poisonous victim mentality and embrace the truth of your greatness. You were not meant for a mundane or mediocre life!”
Steve Maraboli
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“Do the best you can, with what you can, while you can, and success in inevitable.”
Steve Maraboli
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“The empowered woman is powerful beyond measure and beautiful beyond description.”
Steve Maraboli
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“You are not a victim. No matter what you have been through, you're still here. You may have been challenged, hurt, betrayed, beaten, and discouraged, but nothing has defeated you. You are still here! You have been delayed but not denied. You are not a victim, you are a victor. You have a history of victory.”
Steve Maraboli
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“The word "seek" is a verb. Are you treating it as such in your life? If you seek change, success, or love, DO it - BE it!”
Steve Maraboli
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“Stop blaming outside circumstances for your inside chaos.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Do not dilute the truth of your potential. We often convince ourselves that we cannot change, that we cannot overcome the circumstances of our lives. That is simply not true. You have been blessed with immeasurable power to make positive changes in your life. But you can't just wish it, you can't just hope it, you can't just want it... you have to LIVE it, BE it, DO it.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Recognize that throughout this beautiful day,you have an incredible amount of opportunities to move your life into the direction you want it to go.”
Steve Maraboli
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“There are not enough days in forever to allow me to fully express the depth of my love for you.”
Steve Maraboli
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“‎Today is a new day. It's a day you have never seen before and will never see again. Stop telling yourself the 'same crap, different day' lie! How many days has that lie stolen from you? Seize the wonder and uniqueness of today! Recognize that throughout this beautiful day, you have an incredible amount of opportunities to move your life into the direction you want it to go.”
Steve Maraboli
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“As a business leader you have to ask yourself, “Am I creating a consumer environment that is conducive to loyalty?” If the answer is no, FIX IT!”
Steve Maraboli
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“Make sure your business is creating a service experience so good that it demands loyalty.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Many companies expect loyal customers without providing loyal service. This has been the visionary failure of countless corporations.”
Steve Maraboli
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“When you put yourself in the customer’s shoes and begin your dialog from there, an immediate connection develops that stems beyond basic commerce and encourages loyalty.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Faith is the poetry of our dreams; action is the builder of our reality.”
Steve Maraboli
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“On your quest to spirituality it is often required to suspend your rationality; but true spirituality asks that you enhance your rationality.”
Steve Maraboli
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“It has been my experience that those who claim to be the most spiritual are usually the least so.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Although initially only few in numbers, it seems my gray hairs have launched an effective peer-pressure campaign intended to convert the others.”
Steve Maraboli
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“I am so grateful for my troubles. As I reflect back on my life, I have come to realize that my greatest triumphs have been born of my greatest troubles.”
Steve Maraboli
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“I keep hearing about a spiritual awakening, but I feel what we need instead, is a human one. It would be wonderful and empowering to become free from the disillusionment and nonsense being sold to us from gurus for centuries.”
Steve Maraboli
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“There is no humility in calling yourself a Christian; placing Christ in the role of colleague. The humility lies in the truth of your imperfection and a more accurate description as a student of Christianity; placing Christ back in the role as head teacher.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Live your truth. Express your love. Share your enthusiasm. Take action towards your dreams. Walk your talk. Dance and sing to your music. Embrace your blessings. Make today worth remembering.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Participate in your dreams today. There are unlimited opportunities available with this new day. Take action on those wonderful dreams you've had in your mind for so long. Remember, success is something you experience when you act accordingly.”
Steve Maraboli
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“People tend to be generous when sharing their nonsense, fear, and ignorance. And while they seem quite eager to feed you their negativity, please remember that sometimes the diet we need to be on is a spiritual and emotional one. Be cautious with what you feed your mind and soul. Fuel yourself with positivity and let that fuel propel you into positive action.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Set the standard! Stop expecting others to show you love, acceptance, commitment, & respect when you don't even show that to yourself.”
Steve Maraboli
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“I will not try to convince you to love me, to respect me, to commit to me. I deserve better than that; I AM BETTER THAN THAT...Goodbye.”
Steve Maraboli
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“The more I understand the mind and the human experience, the more I begin to suspect there is no such thing as unhappiness; there is only ungratefulness.”
Steve Maraboli
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“The way you live your day is a sentence in the story of your life. Each day you make the choice whether the sentence ends with a period, question mark, or exclamation point.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Want to keep Christ in Christmas? Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, forgive the guilty, welcome the unwanted, care for the ill, love your enemies, and do unto others as you would have done unto you.”
Steve Maraboli
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“The world is my church. My actions are my prayer. My behavior is my creed.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Blame is the creed of the disempowered.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Life itself is's just not easy.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Letting go means to come to the realization that some people are a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Acceptance makes an incredible fertile soil for the seeds of change.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Just like your body and lifestyle can be healthy or unhealthy, the same is true with your beliefs. Your beliefs can be your medicine or your poison.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Stop pointing fingers and placing blame on others. Your life can only change to the degree that you accept responsibility for it.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Get out of your own way… stop the paralysis by analysis… decide what you want, create a simple plan, and get moving!”
Steve Maraboli
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“Most haters are stuck in a poisonous mental prison of jealousy and self-doubt that blinds them to their own potentiality.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Through my choices and actions, I have learned the most effective way of speaking to God is without saying a word.”
Steve Maraboli
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“There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Not matter what your sacred or religious book is, it's not how well you know the book, it's how well you're in alignment with the author.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Don't wait for other people to be loving, giving, compassionate, grateful, forgiving, generous, or friendly... lead the way!”
Steve Maraboli
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“Today, you have the opportunity to transcend from a disempowered mindset of existence to an empowered reality of purpose-driven living. Today is a new day that has been handed to you for shaping. You have the tools, now get out there and create a masterpiece.”
Steve Maraboli
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“At any given point you can release your greatest self. Don’t let anyone hold you back. Don’t let anyone dilute you. Don’t be peer pressured into being less than you are. People willing to dilute themselves for the sake of others is one of the great tragedies of our time. Stop letting others define and set the pace for your life. Get out there and be your best. Do your best. Live your best. Make every day count and you’ll see how exponentially more exciting, thrilling, successful, happy and full your life will be.”
Steve Maraboli
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“An empowered life begins with serious personal questions about oneself. Those answers bare the seeds of success.”
Steve Maraboli
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“One of the most healing things you can do is recognize where in your life you are your own poison.”
Steve Maraboli
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“Each day gives the opportunity for you to be treated right, to feel worthy, and to be successful. It’s a choice you have to make, a faith you have to embrace, and a standard you have to set.”
Steve Maraboli
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