Hi, I'm Steven J. Carroll, a writer of fiction for young adults and pre-teens. I've also been an indie songwriter for many years, which was what honed my interests for writing.
My newest release is book two in a Young Adult, Sci-fi/Dystopian series called CITY OF WORDS. This novel follows the action-packed, suspense-filled journey of Alpha, as he tries to find a way to survive under the watchful eye of the all-powerful ruling authority, called the Common, and as he tries to save the life of the only person in the world that he truly cares about, a girl named Theta.
My fantasy, sci-fi series, THE HISTORIES OF EARTH, is a fast-paced, interstellar adventure. It's about a group of "Light Travelers", who must use their secret abilities to save far-off, distant worlds. These are books about knights and kingdoms, and monsters and epic battles, and mysterious inventions and long ago forgotten histories.
And if you happen to be a fan of Southern Americana fiction, you might like to read my book, THE ROAD TO JERICHO. This is a story about a lovable troublemaker, Ronny Gentry, and his dog, Lionel, and about their travels to Jericho, AR, a hubbub of wanton and reckless living, in the summer of 1949. It's a book about charity, and gratitude, and greed, and the choices that lead us there.
One more thing before I go, I need to give a shout out to my fellow SoCal author, Toby Hoff, who encouraged me to begin writing.
I currently live in Southern California with my wife.
Listen to my discography on iTunes:
Steve Carroll on iTunes
For more information, go to: stevenjcarroll.com
“If only I could be a prince in every world.”
“To travel beyond our world is to change this present one forever.”
“It is good practice to never fault someone for their birth name, being that it is always of far greater importance how men speak of you, than the name by which you are addressed.”
“You can always tell the heart of man by what he do, and by what he don't do...”
“Only worse thing than being cold, and too tired to defend yourself, is to be cold and alone. And I wouldn't ever wish that on nobody.”
“If you always try to measure yourself withmoney... well, it's like counting backwards, the more youkeep on, the less you'll have to show for it.”
“There are secret passages all around you if you know where to look for them.”
“Nearly all men have weak hearts, in one way or another.”