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Steven Merle Scott

Steven Merle Scott was raised and educated in Oregon, Alaska, France and Africa. Born in the Willamette Valley, his father, grandfather and great grandfather were Oregon lumbermen. When he was eight, his parents packed up and moved their portable sawmill to Anchorage, Alaska where they began cutting homesteader timber in the summers and teaching school each winter.

Scott later returned to Oregon to pursue undergraduate studies at Linfield College. Along the way, he has studied economics, biology, French and medicine. He attended medical school in Colorado, undertook surgical training at the University of Utah and completed his cancer training at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. He and his family now live in Salt Lake City in the warm company of Saints and sinners. He is a practicing orthopedist and cancer surgeon.

“Timber and relationships are fragile. All it takes is one spark to destroy either of them.”
Steven Merle Scott
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“If you see an old man talking to himself, he might not be a fool or crazy. He might be sharing a conversation with the past, warmed by a memory he need not reveal.”
Steven Merle Scott
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