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Steven Ramirez

Steven Ramirez is the award-winning author of thriller, supernatural, and horror fiction. A former screenwriter, he’s written about zombie plagues and places infested with ghosts and demons. His latest novel is Faithless, a thriller. Steven lives in Los Angeles.

You can connect with Steven on Twitter at and Facebook at More information at


1. Once at a famous jazz club in London, I pretended I was a musician and "played" onstage with Jimmy McGriff. I'm still surprised they didn't call the cops.

2. One time in Beverly Hills, I chased after the accomplished actor Andy Garcia, trying to get him to read my screenplay. This is what happens when you don't have an agent.

3. Another time in Pasadena, I ran into the renowned physicist Stephen Hawking, who was presumably on his way back to Cal Tech. I wish I had been better prepared.

4. If you're careful and don't blink, you can spot me playing a nurse in Killers 2: The Beast.

5. I wrote and directed a short comedy starring Rose Hobart, an inspiring woman who began her film career at Fox in 1930. God rest her soul.

“It’s amazing how fast you can write when there’s a gun to your head.”
Steven Ramirez
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“Creating characters is easy. It’s getting them to behave that’s the problem.”
Steven Ramirez
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“So here I am writing my zombie story and my lead character decides to betray me.”
Steven Ramirez
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“To write is to stand at the edge of a bottomless well, unafraid of falling in.”
Steven Ramirez
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