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Storm Constantine

“Being a child is such a shining gift, yet we don't know how precious it is until it's worn out and gone away.”
Storm Constantine
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“If life is a battle, then my inner scars are medals for valor, for swiftness, for courage, for passion. Evil is the dark-haired brother of Good; they walk hand in hand—always.”
Storm Constantine
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“We dwell in forever.”
Storm Constantine
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“Lift your head to me...’ His is the kiss of a timorous lover. Feel his inhuman lips on the throat, the heat of it. The bite, when it comes, is cold. Begin to sink as the blood flows into his mouth; it is almost soothing. No pain. No pain at all. His teeth grind into the muscles; ecstasy and torment. Life, the very being, is flowing out. Unholy nourishment. Holy nourishment. Drained slowly.The trauma of it feels like being torn, but it is no more than suddenly having the ability to experience reality in a different way. Waiting for the end... for what? Cannot foretell. No longer flesh, no longer blood. Soul. Free.”
Storm Constantine
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“I have been writing now for over a week. I find it cleansing, refreshing; it is good for me.” (p.531)”
Storm Constantine
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