What a charmed life I've led, working for newspapers in four states, covering breaking news and world class entertainers. And I've saved the best for last, writing mystery/thrillers from the Florida Keys in the winter and a Michigan lakeside in the summer. Life is good. Thank you God.
“Christmas makes me schmaltzy. I'm proud to be level-headed, even a little tough most of the time. But once a year I like to believe that peace on earth may be possible and calories don't count.”
“Never trust a man who dresses too well or stays too clean. It ain't natural and whatever he's up to probably ain't legal.”
“If the phone rings...then you and I, greedy newshounds that we are, will jump up -- even if it rings during the good part -- and chase that perverse thrill of another big headline, another shocking story. We'll shake our heads that it excites us so, but we will give up sleep, food and love for the story.”
“Reporters can't douse flames or soothe burns. They have no control over the horrors they witness. But if they can overcome fear and physical obstacles and wrestle the monster to the page before the sun comes up, it's a victory -- not just for the newspaper staff but for all those sleeping soundly who will find the facts at their fingertips and all those victims whose suffering won't go unnoticed.”
“Losing a mate to death is devastating but it's not a personal attack like divorce. When somebody you love stops loving you and walks away, it's an insult beyond comparison.”