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Suki Michelle

Suki is a lifelong Chicagoan who lives with her co-writer/paramour, Carlyle Clark. Together they wrote The Apocalypse Gene, a YA urban fantasy recently chosen as Critics' Pick at Kirkus. They're hard at work on the sequel, which should be out by summer 2012.

Suki owns a medical transcription company and is the proud mommy of one human girl, a dog and two cats. She had a horse for many years named Make A Wish, but he passed on to the great green meadow beyond. After earning a BFA from Kansas City Art Institute, Suki spent several years studying and teaching meditation. Her training took her to France and Israel, places she yearns to go back to some day.

When Suki isn't writing or working, chances are she'll be searching for chocolate and dreaming up horrid things to scare you with.

“Humankind invented clocks to define eternity just as humankind invented religion to define God.”
Suki Michelle
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“Half the time I have no idea what I'm doing. The other half, I'm trying to undo what I did when I didn't know what I was doing. That leaves, let's see now . . . one more half. That last half is divided into three halves, one for working, one for writing, and one for asking the mother of all rhetorical questions . . . WTF?”
Suki Michelle
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“My skull looks happy!”
Suki Michelle
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“i am makeshift confettiin a pile beneath the paper shredderif you throw me out the windowit will be festive for a momentthen everyone will think about brooms.”
Suki Michelle
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“The zoo grounds reeked of desolation, but the silence had an undercurrent, a silvery vibe, like the hush of a concert hall just before the first note.”
Suki Michelle
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“Oh that voice, so sweet. Rich, like the taste of vanilla ice cream, vowels like flute music, warm caramel consonants. She could float in that voice forever and not miss a thing.”
Suki Michelle
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“If wishes were horses, paupers would ride. If the queen had balls, she'd be king. If I didn't have to WORK, I'd write stories all day.”
Suki Michelle
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“This little piggie went to market(ing). This little piggie stayed home (to write). That's it. Story over. The third was an idiot.”
Suki Michelle
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