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Sukree Boodram

Sukree Boodram was born into a Hindu family in Guyana. Boodram came to the US in 1983 and married in New York in 1987 then relocated to Florida, along with her husband in 1989. While in Florida, she attended University of Central Florida and graduated with a Bachelors Degree major in accounting. She continued on towards a post graduate degree and obtained her MBA. She is a licensed CPA. In 2015 Ms Boodram completed a 2nd Bachelor's Degree in Psychology at UCF. Her primary career has been in Corporate Accounting and Management for over 25 years, where she focuses on developing and leading teams and projects to success. Boodram is divorced from her former husband, an alcoholic abuser and is a single mother to her two children. She made the bold decision several years ago to advocate against domestic violence in our communities globally using her personal story. As a result of her experience, she published her story in her book; Breakout: Surviving Abuse and Alcoholism. This is My Story, as well as a documentary; Voice of a Survivor which has been used primarily to educate and bring awareness on the domestic violence platform. She founded CADVA (Caribbean American Domestic Violence Awareness) and been doing work in various parts of the US and Caribbean to help combat this epidemic. Boodram served on the CADVA board as President from 2011-2013. She was instrumental in bringing life and recognition to this organization and its mission. Boodram embraces her Hindu culture and tradition while standing up and advocating against domestic abuse in order to bring an end to this epidemic, by breaking her silence and redefining social expectations on the platform of abuse. She plans to continue to support CADVA in an administrative role while working on her next novel. In addition, Boodram is currently seeking a degree in Psychology and plans to continue her advocacy against domestic violence along with her current career in Accounting and Management.

“People make grave assumptions if they do not know what we are thinking or feeling. I now know love is not the only key ingredient in a good relationship.”
Sukree Boodram
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“I realize now that drinking never solved my problem. How could it? It impairs the mind, fogs the senses, and diminishes other normal functions. Admittedly, there is a feeling of elation, but once I come back to earth, I still need to deal with my issues and fears.”
Sukree Boodram
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