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Susan Kaye Quinn


Susan Kaye Quinn is a rocket scientist turned speculative fiction author who now uses her PhD to invent cool stuff in books. Her works range from young adult science fiction to adult future-noir, with side trips into royal fantasy romance and middle grade. Her bestselling novels and short stories have been optioned for Virtual Reality, translated into German and French, and featured in several anthologies.

She writes full-time from Chicago, inventing mind powers and dreaming of the Singularity.

All of Sue's books:


Singularity Novel Series

The Legacy Human (Singularity #1)

The Duality Bridge (Singularity #2)

The Illusory Prophet (Singularity 3)

Stories of Singularity

Restore (Stories of Singularity #1)

Containment (Stories of Singularity #2)

Augment (Stories of Singularity #3)

Awakening (Stories of Singularity #4)

Harvest (Stories of Singularity #5)

Defiance (Stories of Singularity #6)

Resistance (Stories of Singularity #7)

Mindjack Series

Open Minds Book #1)

Closed Hearts (Book #2)

Free Souls (Book #3)

Locked Tight (Book #4)

Cracked Open (Book #5)

Broken Wide (Book #6)

Mindjack Short Story Collection (Book #7)

WATCH the award-winning live-action Mindjack Book Trailer!


Third Daughter (The Royals of Dharia #1)

Second Daughter (The Royals of Dharia #2)

First Daughter (The Royals of Dharia #3)


The Debt Collector: LIRIUM (Season One)

The Debt Collector: WRAITH (Season Two)

WATCH the Debt Collector Book Trailer



Telepath Chronicles

AI Chronicles

Dark Beyond The Stars

Future Chronicles

Cyborg Chronicles

CLONES: The Anthology


Faery Swap

WATCH the Faery Swap Book Trailer


Susan's Website | Susan's twitter | Susan's Facebook Page

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“I had left the truck where I had crashed it—smashed into a pole by the charger station that had appeared out of nowhere when I had tried to park under a covered awning. Driving was a lot simpler than parking, it seemed.”
Susan Kaye Quinn
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“He gave me an unexpected soft look that made me close my eyes again. “Okay,” I said. “What next, Master Zagan?” “Next, Little One, you need to jack the strongest one you can find.” I killed the smile that threatened to break out on my face.”
Susan Kaye Quinn
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“I’ve got the Impenetrable Mind, remember?”
Susan Kaye Quinn
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“Block D was at the farthest corner of the camp from Block C. Whoever had laid out the Camp of the Flies had no respect for alphabetical order.”
Susan Kaye Quinn
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“I wasn’t ready to replay that bit of disaster—the moment when I decided to be Simon Zagan’s girlfriend. Not the best choice I’ve ever made.”
Susan Kaye Quinn
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“She had hauled out Grandma O’Donnell’s crystal plates, the ones Gram claimed were hand-cut by our distant relatives in County Kerry during the potato famine. She also said Big Foot crashed her eighteenth birthday party.”
Susan Kaye Quinn
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“I was so distracted thinking about my newfound mindjacking ability that I nearly ran into the garage door.”
Susan Kaye Quinn
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“It was after lunch, and no one had died yet, so I took that as a good sign.”
Susan Kaye Quinn
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“You must have been some kind of raging elephant, because it took three darts for them to take you down.”
Susan Kaye Quinn
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