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Susan Meissner

She attended Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego and is a former managing editor of a weekly newspaper. Susan’s expertise as a storyteller and her thoroughly researched topics make her a favorite author of book clubs everywhere. Her engaging and warm speaking style appeal to all manner of women’s groups, literary organizations, libraries and learning institutions, and service clubs.

When she is not working on a new novel, she enjoys teaching workshops on writing and dream-following, spending time with her family, music, reading great books, and traveling.

“Which one of them would make you the most sad if you had to live your life without him?”
Susan Meissner
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“Papa said marriage is not kept by affection but by a pledge. Affection does not beget the pledge; the pledge begets the affection. When you share a life and a home and a bed with someone, you become soul mates as surely as cream and effort produce butter....And so I began to imagine my life with James Luddy. I imagined being butter.”
Susan Meissner
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“Our flaws are obvious, yet we are loved and able to love, if we choose, because there is that bit of the divine still smoldering in us.”
Susan Meissner
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“I smiled. "I just wish... I wish I didn't judge people by what they have or don't have. I wish I could see people for you they are on the inside before I come to any conclusions."My dad blinked slowly and then said... "Yes, that would be better than the other, but it still makes you their judge.”
Susan Meissner
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“We moved wordlessly from one room to another, from the room of the dead to the room where time lay in pages everywhere I looked.”
Susan Meissner
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“I don't know very many people who can piece together eloquent prayers when their souls are wounded. Words don't come at those times, but tears do. I have always thought of my tears as prayers.”
Susan Meissner
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“Dissecting a book was the same as making sense of life. You have to find a way to interpret life, or you'll go nuts.”
Susan Meissner
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“I think literature reveals more about us than history does.”
Susan Meissner
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“Sometimes asking God for a reason for something is like asking Him why the sky is blue. There is a complex, scientific reason for it, Claire, but most children, including you, are content with knowing it is blue because it is. If we understood everything about everything, we would have no need for faith.”
Susan Meissner
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“I used to think mercy meant showing kindness to someone who didn't deserve it, as if only the recipient defined the act. The girl in between has learned that mercy is defined by its giver. Our flaws are obvious, yet we are loved and able to love, if we choose, because there is that bit of the divine still smoldering in us.”
Susan Meissner
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“We understand what we want to understand.”
Susan Meissner
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“You shouldn't imagine things that you haven't a shred of proof happened...”
Susan Meissner
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“We are born knowing how to be just. And we die knowing we spent a lifetime pretending we didn't.”
Susan Meissner
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“When you only do what is expected of you, you never learn what you would've done had you chosen for yourself.”
Susan Meissner
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