Susan Patron specialized in Children's Services for 35 years at the Los Angeles Public Library before retiring in 2007, the same year her novel The Higher Power of Lucky was awarded the John Newbery Medal. As the library's Juvenile Materials Collection Development Manager, she trained and mentored children's librarians in 72 branches. Patron has served on many book award committees, including the Caldecott and Laura Ingalls Wilder Committees of the American Library Association. She is currently a member of the Advisory Board of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators.
Patron's previous books for children include the Billy Que trilogy of picture books; Dark Cloud Strong Breeze; and a chapter book, Maybe Yes, Maybe No, Maybe Maybe. All earned starred reviews, and the latter was named an ALA Notable book. The Listening Library audio edition of The Higher Power of Lucky is an ALA Notable Recording; the book will be translated into twelve foreign languages and has been optioned for a motion picture.
“It made her feel discouraged, like if you took the word apart into two sections of dis and couraged. It was getting harder and harder to stay couraged.”
“It was like the moment before you open a present, still hidden inside its box and wrappings; while you're waiting to find out what it is, the eagerness and impatience and curiosity and anticipation grip you in an even stronger, more thrilling way than you feel after you find out what's inside.”
“It is not comfortable or easy to sit in a principal's office, waiting for a verdict.”
“Lucky discovered that laughing was like crying in the sense that sometimes you cannot stop. And it's a catching disease, because when another person is spurting and gasping it makes you start again even after you have taken deep gulps of air and stopped looking at the other laughing person.”
“Adults have big, big wishes that we do not expect to come true. That is why we need so many more candles on our cakes.”
“Sometimes we get this great gift, man, and we just take it for granted. We only figure it out, how much we lost, when it's gone. —Short Sammy”
“The future does not happen just by chance.”
“When you are sad, your heart pumps the tragedy all through your body and fills your mind with the story of your suffering, and you tell that story to yourself over and over.”
“Pixy Stix comfort you when you are in a sad or desperate situation, and it is always good to have some on hand.”
“The whole world is full of danger. But also it is full of beauty and courage and many wonders.”
“Sometimes what wishes do...especially the big, big wishes, is churn up all the confusion and longing that sloshes around forever inside of you.”
“Some aspects of life are strange or even terrible, but later something okay or even good happens that would never have happened without the bad/strange thing. -- "The Higher Power of Lucky”
“Because sometimes Lucky wanted to change everything, all the bad things that had happened, and sometimes she wanted everything to stay the same forever.”