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Suzanne Brockmann

After childhood plans to become the captain of a starship didn’t pan out, Suzanne Brockmann took her fascination with military history, her respect for the men and women who serve, her reverence for diversity, and her love of storytelling, and explored brave new worlds as a bestselling romance author.

Over the past thirty years she has written sixty-three novels, including her award-winning Troubleshooters series about Navy SEAL heroes and the women—and sometimes men—who win their hearts. Her personal favorite is the one where her most popular character, gay FBI agent Jules Cassidy, wins his happily-ever-after and marries the man of his dreams. Called All Through the Night, this mainstream romance novel with a hero and a hero hit the New York Times hardcover fiction bestseller list. In 2007, Suz donated all of her earnings from this book, in perpetuity, to MassEquality, to help win and preserve equal marriage rights in Massachusetts.

In addition to writing books, Suz writes and produces indie movies and TV including the award-winning romantic comedy The Perfect Wedding. Her recent feature, Out of Body, is streaming on Amazon Prime.

In 2018, Suz was given the Nora Roberts Lifetime Achievement Award from the Romance Writers of America. Her latest projects are Blame It on Rio (Tall, Dark & Dangerous # 14), available in print and e-book from Suzanne Brockmann Books, and Marriage of Inconvenience, a six-episode LBGTQ rom-com TV series, streaming on Dekkoo in April 2023.

“You have no idea how much I appreciate your friendship,” Jules said. Sam held out several bills. “Yeah, actually I do,” he said. “It’s probably as much as I appreciate yours.”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“I believe strongly that my books are entertainment. I hope you might learn a thing or two while reading them, but first and foremost, my job is to entertain you. If I’m waving a flag in Hot Target, it’s the same flag I’ve always waved in all my books—the American flag. And that’s a flag that’s supposed to stand for acceptance and understanding. For freedom for all—and not just freedom for all Americans, but freedom for all of the diverse and wonderful people living on this planet; freedom to live their lives according to their definitions of freedom. It’s a flag that’s supposed to stand for real American values like honor and honesty and peace and love and hope.”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“Here." Sam came over, stripped down to his boxers. "Hunch forward and put your head down."Robin looked at him. "My safe word is monkey.”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“You know, Savannah, if you cry, I won’t tell anyone,’ Ken said quietly. ‘I promise.”
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“A good fiction writer can write any character or any story that she wants to write. The importance, IMO, is a burning desire to tell that person's story.”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“Although my elephant is different than yours. Mine's bright purple and I like to lead him around on a leash and introduce him to people by name.”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“What the hell was she doing on the nonhostage side of a handgun?”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“I love quick,” Gina said. “And come on, I’m getting jealous here. Was it zero sex last year for you,too?”“Yes,” he admitted. “I love you, you weren’t there—what was I going to do?”“Are you actually embarrassed, ” she asked, “because you weren’t some kind of man-ho and—”“No,” Max said. “I’m embarrassed that it took me an entire fucking year and a half and the worst scareof my life to figure out that I can’t live without you.”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“Logic and people who subscribed to conspiracy theories were often strangers to each other.”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“My favorite color is you.”
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“While I sleep, and I sleep often these days, he spends much of his time in the church downtown. The very one I never could convince him to attend. He claims he is praying. But I know he is trying to strike a bargain with our Maker.One hand of Black Jack, I know he says. Winner gets to keep the girl.I know for sure, were J. granted that game of cars with the Almighty, he’d go into it with both an ace and a jack up his sleeve.”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“I’m not a big drinker and I’ve had enough secondhand smoke for this decade and the next, so . . .”Great. All she had to do was complain about the deafening volume of the music, and she might as well slap a sticker on her forehead saying old next to the one that already said nerd.“Band’s good, though,” she added. “Country’s not my thing, but the players are . . . proficient.” And great, now she sounded like a professor. Proficient. God.But he was nodding. “Country’s not my thing, either.”“But you have a cowboy hat,” she said, and as soon as the words left her lips, she realized how stupid she sounded, no—not that she sounded, but that she was.”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“But he didn’t seem surprised to see her. ‘Hey.’‘Hey, yourself.’ Okay, that was stupid. Her grandmother used to say Hey, yourself. Great, she was turning into her grandmother at the most inopportune time. She didn’t want to sound like a well-adjusted sixty-year-old.”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“I was still a novice at the caped crusader super-sleuth thing, but it didn’t take a degree from the Sherlock Holmes Detective School to see exactly what had happened here. Alison had come home, put her lunch in the zapper, poured herself a beverage, turned on her computer and . . .vanished off the face of the earth.”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“They were big and black and rubber—the kind of boots you might be wearing as you came in the kitchen door, shaking off your rain slicker and saying, Grab the young’uns, Ma. Crick’s a-rising.”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“Hi, mom,” he said. “I’m fine.”“How are you? Are you still seeing . . .?”“Yep,” A.J. said. “Jamie’s sitting right here, next to me.”“Let’s freak her out, okay?” Jamie said, mischief glinting in his eyes as he popped away—which worked more to freak A.J. out.”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“But she was quick to add, “I’m not saying I believe you’re related to Kid Gallagher—”“For the love,” I said, “of God . . . ”“Jamie,” A.J. interrupted her. “Not Kid. Jamie.”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“She was looking at the cab, looking right through me, and I knew that she was curious because she’d seen A.J. talking to me. Which, to her, looked an awful lot like A.J. was talking to himself. “Say, I gotta run, mom, I’ll call you later,” I instructed the kid, and then pretend to hang up your phone.”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“We are not, not now, not ever, talking about sex,” A.J. said flatly.I had to laugh. “We’re both grown men,” I pointed out. “I don’t see what the big deal—”“Do it,” he said, “and I will walk over to the church, wake up the priest, and demand that he perform an exorcism. On the spot.”“Well, now, that won’t work,” I scoffed. “I’m not a demon. Not even close.”“Yeah, well, I’m willing to try it,” he said. “So go on. Make my day.”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“If I were haunting A.J., he’d damn well know it.”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“Jesus,” A.J. said, because he still hadn’t gotten used to Jamie popping in and out like that. He still couldn’t believe his eyes—if it truly were his eyes that needed to be believed, and not his brain that was responsible for sending him hallucinations of the old man he’d adored back when he was a child and life was so much less complicated.And great, now Alison was looking at him as if he’d just shouted Jesus in the middle of her office, which he had, and there was nothing to do about it but plunge onward. “Yes, Jesus, yes,” he said, which sounded even more stupid than he’d thought it would.”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“Showtime,’ Jamie said, heavy on the sh. ‘You gonna tell her your real name or make something up? I always liked Ferd McGurgle. It’s not one of those names you forget, where you have to stop and think, Now, who did I say I was again, Tom Smith or Bill Jones . . .?’‘Actually,’ A.J. said, trying his best to ignore Jamie’s help, ‘you do know my name.’ He cleared his throat as she looked puzzled, that little ever-present almost-smile ready to expand across her face. He exhaled and just said it. ‘It’s Gallagher.’‘Nicely done.’ Jamie applauded. ‘Good segue, good choice—honesty. Much better than Ferd. I’m proud of you, kid.’But Allison was still puzzled, still about to smile, until she realized what he’d said. Her mouth dropped open, but she closed it fast. ‘Gallagher?’ she repeated and the smile was definitely gone. ‘As in Gallagher?’‘As in Austin James Gallagher,’ A.J. told her with a nod. ‘I’m A.J. for short. I was named after my great-grandfather.’ He lifted her file. ‘Jamie. He dropped the Austin after he came west. Too many people thought he was from Texas, which kind of pissed him off.’ He tried to make a joke. ‘He’d met a few Texans he didn’t particularly like, so . . .’Silence.Yeah.”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“Um,' he said, because she was smiling at him and he was an idiot.”
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“What if I told you that you were a hundred percent wrong?’‘Wow,’ she said. ‘You are good. Talk about not being the bad guy in your own movie. 'You are a hundred percent wrong,’ she repeated, with a horrendous, over-the-top-Yankee-fied imitation of his barely-there drawl.”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“Two Navy SEALs versus one angry seven-month-old," he mused, "The odds could go either way.”
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“And I was thinking with a part of myanatomy that has nothing to do with my brain." Veronica had to laugh at that. "Oh, really?" "Yeah," Joe said. His smile grew softer, his eyes gentler. "My heart."And then he kissed her.”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“What was love, anyway, but a mutated form of lust?”
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“I know the M-word makes you nervous, but yeah. I'm talking about the big, permanent friendship. A little different from what Joe and Charles had, though. See, I want to be the kind of best friends who make love every night, who share all their darkest secrets and favorite jokes, and maybe even someday make babies together. I know that kind of friendship requires hard work, but you know, I'm pretty good at hard work.~ Tom Paoletti, "The Unsung Hero”
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“Recovering from a gunshot wound is not a vacation. You need to, like, write that on your hand or something.”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“Ah, God, Lys" he breathed, and she opened her eyes to look up at him. She was the love of his heart, his true partner in both work and life, and the idea of losing her to the violence of the world they lived in scared the living shit out of him.But her smile lit her eyes, her face, and he pushed the darkness away and let himself grin back at her like the damn fool that he was. This moment-now-was perfect, and he wasn't going to let his fears interfere.”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“Life. Unfair and painful at times. But always moving forward, always shifting,changing, with times relentless passage smoothing down jagged parts until it no longer hurts quite so much to breathe.”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“All babies look like Alfred Hitchcock. Or Winston Churchill.”
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“He wanted Eden, and he wanted Pinkie, but mostly he wanted Eden, because together they could make their own Pinkie.”
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“How can you sit here and know that day... three I'm not going to be driving you crazy because I laugh like a horse or...or... dress up your penis in Barbie clothes?”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“You couldn't attach a 'but' to 'I love you'. You could onlt attach an 'and'.”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“You're not my type for long-term imprisonment.”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“His body against hers, inside hers, that slow slide out and then home again, a miracle. And a miracle. And a miracle and...Hot Targetsuzanne brockmann”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“No doubt about it, Lawrence Decker was the reason God had invented nakedness.”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“So where's my hug.”
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“She smiled at him, the way she always did, even when he woke up at oh-what-the-fuck-hundred.”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“If he's at this party, I want you to stay far away from him.""Shouldn't that rule apply to you, and Jules, too? Unless your penises make you magically bulletproof.”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“The look in his melted-chocolate eyes was now completely non-Disney.”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“Mol, it's not probably nothing if they fucking want you to go to Germany."She winced, and he turned to the people-mostly women- who were filling most of those waiting room seat."Excuse me. This doctor thinks my wife, whom I love more than life, has breast cancer, so I'm going to say fuck probably about ten more times. Is that okay with all of you?”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“I'll be careful."He looked at her."I promise.""Call me if you need me.""Cosmo."He turned to look at her."It does go both ways. I don't want to get a call from Tom Paoletti and Decker every Memorial Day.”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“He spoke in telegram-as if every word he used cost five bucks, and he only had a twenty in his wallet.”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“During the last few hours of the trip, he and Tess had drilled procedures and done a whole lot of worst-case-scenario type war-gaming. He was now as convinced as he'd ever be that she knew what to do and where to go if Godzilla attacked Kazabek...”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“That leaves Decker and what's his name, Mr. I'm Too Sexy for My Shirt.”
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“You're the very nicest jerk I know.”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“You can't choose who you love, Kelly, but you can waste it. Why on earth would anyone want to waste it?”
Suzanne Brockmann
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“Forget about writing to Penthouse.This one was going to be a story for their grandkids.”
Suzanne Brockmann
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