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Suzanne Fisher Staples

Suzanne Fisher Staples is the author of six books addressed to children and adolescents. Born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (U.S.A.), she grew up in a small community around Northwestern Pennsylvania. She had three siblings, a sister and two brothers. Suzanne went to Lakeland High School in Scott Township, Pennsylvania. Later, she graduated from Cedar Crest College in Allentown, Pennsylvania. She got a job for 10 years being a news reporter and editor for the United Press International. She worked in many places across the U.S.A. and Asia, including Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, New York, and Washington DC. In 1985, she returned to Pakistan to assess the conditions of poor, rural women and report back to the United States Agency for International Development.

“But beauty holds only part of a man, and that for just so long. Keep some of yourself hidden. You can lavish love and praise on him and work hard by his side...But the secret is keeping your innermost beauty, the secrets of your soul, locked in your heart so that he must always reach out to you for it.”
Suzanne Fisher Staples
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“If you don't respect your ideas, make note of them, and keep your mind open to them, they'll float right past you, like fish in the ocean...If you don't respect your ideas, nobody else will.”
Suzanne Fisher Staples
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“She tried to keep busy, but each afternoon she was drawn into the courtyard or up into the pavilion, where she sat as still as a pool of water. It was as if she feared she'd fly away into a million pieces if she moved.”
Suzanne Fisher Staples
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“She didn't look up until he was gone. She saw him pas the outside wall of the pavilion and heard his footsteps recede into the stairwell. When he was gone, she bowed her head and let the grief engulf her. Her heart crumpled and shrank, like a ball of paper set on fire.”
Suzanne Fisher Staples
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