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Suzanne Selfors

Suzanne Selfors lives on an island near Seattle where it rains all the time, which is why she tends to write about cloudy, moss-covered, green places.

She's married, has two kids, and writes full time.

Her favorite writers are Kurt Vonnegut, Charles Dickens, and most especially, Roald Dahl.

Please visit her at to learn more about her books.

“Solitary muttering allows you to say all those things you don't have the courage to say to all those people who aredriving you nuts.”
Suzanne Selfors
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“¿Qué es más aterrador, las cosas que imaginamos o las que son reales?”
Suzanne Selfors
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“Si mamá hubiera sido diagnosticada con cáncer, o si ella sufriera un derrame cerebral, o incluso si fuera un desastre de cirugía plástica, no habría ninguna vergüenza. No tendría que ocultarlo. La gente se apresuraría para ayudar. El editor entendería. Pero nadie consigue escribir buenas tarjetas para enfermedades mentales.Lamento escuchar acerca de la esquizofrenia. Espero que esas voces desaparezcan pronto.Lamento escuchar que tienes desorden de personalidad múltiple. Espero que todos ustedes comiencen a sentirse mejor.Lamento escuchar acerca de tu depresión catatónica. Trata de mantener tu lado soleado arriba.”
Suzanne Selfors
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“Cuando le damos más valor a lo que la otra gente cree de nosotros, es una fórmula para la miseria.”
Suzanne Selfors
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“Hay unas cuantas verdades universales sobre la belleza. Mientras que a algunos chicos les gusta el pelo corto hay alguno que les gusta liso y a algunos les gusta rizado, a todos les gusta el pelo largo.”
Suzanne Selfors
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“—¿Dónde empieza y termina la imaginación? ¿Cuáles son sus fronteras? Una persona es estimada a la creatividad y la otra está loca. Gente perfectamente cuerda, perfectamente sana ve y escucha cosas que no siempre pueden ser explicadas.”
Suzanne Selfors
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“A veces las cosas nos encuentran, atraídas por fuerzas que no podemos ver o comprender.”
Suzanne Selfors
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“In her sleep?" I couldn't believe it. "How did she say it? I mean, did she sound angry?"He frowned. "I don't know how she said it.""Come on try to remember. Was it sad like this...Owen? Or was it kind of sweet like this...Ownen? Or was it-”
Suzanne Selfors
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“Tal vez eso es lo que nos llama a cada uno de nosotros, la promesa de la próxima historia, justo en el horizonte.O la historia patinando por la ventana del frente.O la que late en el interior de nuestros corazones, a la espera de ser puestas en libertad.”
Suzanne Selfors
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“La química del cerebro es como una receta de la Sra. Bobot, nunca sabes como va a terminar. Añades un poco de esto y tienes una persona que puede ver auras. Quita un poco de eso y tienes una persona que está tan deprimida, que no puede hablar ni moverse. Espolvoreas con otra cosa y tienes una persona que está enamorada de por vida.”
Suzanne Selfors
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“—¿Saben cual es mi historia de amor favorita? —Interrumpió la Señora Bobot. —Gone with the wind. Ahora es si que es una historia de amor.—Pero esa tampoco tiene un final feliz, —dije. —Rhett Bulter deja a Scarlett O’Hara.—Ella estaba mejor sin él, —dijo Realm. —Era un idiota.—No, no lo era, —dijo la Señora Bobot. —Scarlett estaba demasiado ciega para ver que Rhett era perfecto para ella.—Bella y Edward tuvieron un final feliz, —dije.El Reverendo frunció el ceño. —No me es familiar esa historia.—Bella acaba siendo una mama adolescente no muerta. Si eso te parece un final feliz tienes problemas, —dijo Realm.”
Suzanne Selfors
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“La vida no es una novela de romance. La gente debería dejar de leer novelas de romance y leer historias reales.”
Suzanne Selfors
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“Quizás Roma no se construyó en un día, pero imagina lo que los ingenieros podrían haber alcanzado si hubieran tenido un libro llamado Cualquier Persona Puede Construir Roma, Construir Roma para Tontos, o Construir Roma en Un Mes.”
Suzanne Selfors
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“Just wish it. But remember, it will only work if it's what you most desire. Do it now. We're running out of time." WHAT I MOST DESIRE. WHAT I MOST DESIRE. I looked into his electric eyes and made my wish. Then I popped the bean into my mouth and swallowed it whole. For a moment, the world stood still. We sat in a silent bubble, just us two, insulated from the snow and the wind. His eyes widened. "But, Katrina, that wish was supposed to be for you." "It's what I most desire." And it was.”
Suzanne Selfors
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“I had a life. It was falling apart, but it was mine.”
Suzanne Selfors
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“You got anything more to eat?" He walked into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, and pulled out a cube of butter. Before I could stop him he took a bite. He worked the butter around inn his mouth, then swallowed. "Bit odd," he said, setting the rest of the cube onto the counter.”
Suzanne Selfors
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“Standing in the beam of refrigerator light, Malcolm squirted ketchup into his mouth."He's . . . visiting," I said.Vincent narrowed his eyes and his voice took on a fatherly tone. "Why's he here at midnight?" Malcolm licked the inside of a mustard lid, then said, "I'm here at midnight because I'm fulfilling Katrina's desire.”
Suzanne Selfors
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“Well, he's not a weirdo." I didn't turn around to look at Malcolm because he was probably eating dish soap or mayonnaise or something.”
Suzanne Selfors
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“He didn't say anything. Then he leaned closer, so that his arm touched my shoulder. A jolt ran down my body. Everyone in our little group watched, waiting for a response. "I would be honored to escort you, Katrina.""Oh. Okay." I pulled the bathrobe collar as high as it would go to hide my flaming cheeks.Malcolm slapped his hand on his knee, then turned to the man sitting next to us and said,way too loudly, "I'm taking Katrina to the Solstice Festival.""Good for you kid.”
Suzanne Selfors
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“What is more terrifying-- the things we imagine or the things that are real?”
Suzanne Selfors
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“Imagine if we all went around telling people exactly what we were thinking—we’d all sound like a bunch of third graders. MY Vincent drink will be much better than YOUR Vincent drink.”
Suzanne Selfors
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“When we place more value on what other people think of us than on what we think of ourselves, it’s a formula for misery.”
Suzanne Selfors
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“Trying to make sense of love is like trying to dissect a rainbow.”
Suzanne Selfors
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“Live. How many of us need to be reminded that living has nothing to do with trying to be as good as someone else, or trying to fit into some category, or filling in the blanks on some stupid checklist. That it has nothing to do with punishing yourself for past mistakes.”
Suzanne Selfors
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“We shall sing and be merry. Troy had agreed to sing my song 'Girl, Come Hither and We Shall Dither.""Uh, not really," Troy said."Perhaps you would prefer 'Girl, Come and Handle My Candle?”
Suzanne Selfors
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“Do you think it's weird that we're not in love with each other?""No. I think it's perfect.”
Suzanne Selfors
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“I cant help but notice that you are not wearing a wedding ring, dear lady. Are you, by any chance, looking for a husband?' He smiled eagerly, his drenched hat clinging to his round head.Looking for a husband? Why?' Grandma Maxine asked. 'Did I lose one?”
Suzanne Selfors
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“'You do know what magic is, don't you?'Magic's when you close your eyes, make a wish, and it comes true.''No, that's coincidence.'Magic's when a princess kisses a frog and it turns into a prince.''No, that's evolution.'Isabelle scratched her neck. 'Well, then, what is magic?”
Suzanne Selfors
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“Happiness is sweetest when shared.”
Suzanne Selfors
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“Losing someone is the worst feeling. Loss carves out a deep, hollow pocket. There's no magical way to fill it, no medicine or Band-Aid or surgery to cure it. I suppose that over time you get used to it, but the feeling never totally goes away. And the more time you spend on earth, the more pockets you'll collect. But it's part of living. It's life. - Katrina Svensen”
Suzanne Selfors
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“Falling in love is not a rational process. It can't be planned or avoided. It happens--for good or bad it simply happens. - Katrina Svensen”
Suzanne Selfors
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“I don't know what laws of physics are involved, but if you fill a gym with teenagersand tell them to stare at one object, heat is actually produced. I half expected tospontaneously combust.Katrina”
Suzanne Selfors
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“Once you start spending time together, you'll learn things about her that no one else could have told you. Things that you never would have suspected. Like the fact that she snores and has cold feet." He folded his arms and I caught his smile in my peripheral vision. Why was he smiling at me? Hey, was he referring to our nap on the cot? "Maybe you'll learn that she'd make a great doctor or that she has the capacity to care about people she barely knows." He took a dramatic pause, leaning against the wall. "Maybe you'll learn that she's not the spoiled princess you thought she was." Maybe you'll learn that she'd rather have someone speak directly to her than about her," I said, folding my arms and leaning against the wall.”
Suzanne Selfors
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“Juliet took a hesitant step toward Troy, looking at him the way a child looks at a new toy. "I've henver heard a man speak in such a manner. Who are you?"I'm...""That's Troy." O saod, stepping between them. The less Golden Boy said the better.”
Suzanne Selfors
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“Troy sighed with frustration. "Let me get this straight. We're stuck in the story of Romeo and Juliet and we can't get home without a magic charm from Shakespeare's quill, which doesn't exist in this world. However, we might be able to get home when the story ends, but if Romeo and Juliet don't meet, then we don't have a story. More important, we don't have an ending."Friar Laurence tsk tsked. He placed his speckled hand on Troy's forehead. "Bless you, my son, but a fever has muddled your mind.”
Suzanne Selfors
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“He waved to me to be quiet, as if I were annoying background noise. "Look, whatever your name is..."Benvolio Montague."Right. Look, Benvolio, why don't we go outside and get a taxi? My label has a New York office. We can go there and get you a money order or something." He smile, thinking himself clever. "Come on, what do you say?"Benvolio raised an eyebrow. "I am begining to believe that you are insane.”
Suzanne Selfors
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“My son, there is no reason to be distraught. The leeches will cleanse your wound." The friar scratched one of his enormous ears with the tweezers. "My insurance doesn't cover freaky friars or leeches." Troy sat up and swung his legs over the cot. A strip of cloth was wrapped around his gray tights, just above his left knee. A dark red stain had spread across the strip. "When my agent finds out you've kept me here, instead of taking me to a hospital, he'll cram a lawsuit up your butt so fast you'll be the one who's...distraught.”
Suzanne Selfors
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“We walked up the steps of a quaint stone church. "Get those friggin' leeches away from me!" a familiar voice yelled from a second story window...."I said, no leeches!”
Suzanne Selfors
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“Our doubts are traitors and make uslose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt. In other words, awish is a good place to start but then you have to get off your butt and make ithappen. You have to pick up a quill and write your own damn story. (Mimi Wallingford)”
Suzanne Selfors
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“I loved the kiss. That's why I smiled at you. I loved it. I was embarrassed by how much I loved it. (Troy Summer)”
Suzanne Selfors
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“a wish is a good place to start but then you have to get off your butt and make it happen. You have to pick up a quill and write your own damn story.”
Suzanne Selfors
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“To forgive is to set someone free.”
Suzanne Selfors
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“Imagine hearing a group of drunken warriors shouting your name and following it with a must die . Suddenly I missed my superspecial tagline: Great-granddaughter of Adelaide Wallingford. The tagline Must Die totally sucked.”
Suzanne Selfors
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