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Suzanne White


Author/Astrologer Suzanne White is American, but she lives in France and Buenos Aires. She has been a college professor, a fashion model, a journalist, an interpreter, a novelist, a fireworks salesperson, director of a Parisian Couture boutique, an elevator operator, a shoe salesperson, a single mother and a simultaneous translator.

White is well known as the "High Priestess" of both Chinese & Western Astrologies. She has published many best-selling books on both western and Chinese Astrology. (see below for titles) Not only is she respected in her field, all of Suzanne White's Astrology books sell steadily and remain in print. Since 1995, White has been a continued presence on the Internet, at first working for both AOL and Disney sites. In 2000, she started her own web site This most original web site has been an enormous success and given Suzanne White's name even more global recognition than she previously enjoyed. Since 2008, White has two profiles (personal and fan-based) on Facebook where she has a huge following. Her most prominent book - The New Astrology™ - is a savvy blend of the two major astrologies on earth. White combined two astrologies which invented 144 new signs. Leo/Dog is not like Leo/Dragon for example. THE NEW ASTROLOGY™ is an Amazon best seller and sales are increasing every year.

Suzanne White is a pace setter. She is also a capable, hardworking and very funny writer. White has an enormous following and is admired and beloved by her fans the world over. Suzanne is a tireless writer. This year (May 2) an article Suzanne wrote was published in the New York Times "Lives" column in the Sunday magazine section.

Suzanne White is also a literary translator. She translated a French novel by Katherine Pancol and in 1987, she translated an American novel (HOT FLASHES by Barbara Raskin) from English into French for Eds. Robert Laffont in Paris.


1) 1976 CHINESE CHANCE - M.EVANS NY - hardcover 1976. Mass market paperback 1977 from FAWCETT NY. This book went out of print and was picked up by Charles Tuttle of Boston who gave it the new title: CHINESE ASTROLOGY PLAIN AND SIMPLE. This book is now a classic in its field. It has been published in 15 different languages. In France alone, this same book has stayed in hardcover since 1976. The French publisher has sold over a million copies and still sells an average of 300 copies per month. Today, this book is published by Bertelsmann in Germany, Uniebok Holland, Eden Grove Editions/Axis Publishing, London, Paidos Barcelona, Polish, Czech, Slovak and Bulgarian publishers have just bought rights. The Chinese have asked to buy the rights.

2) 1986 THE NEW ASTROLOGY™ - first published in French as LA DOUBLE ASTROLOGIE by Robert Laffont Publishers Paris. In the same year, THE NEW ASTROLOGY was published by both St. Martin’s Press (USA) and Macmillan (London). This book is a long time best seller. It sells over 20,000 copies in paper per year in the US alone. The digital version sells twice that. THE NEW ASTROLOGY™ also exists and sells well in British English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Polish and Czech.


“The World will be a better place when everybody's beige.”
Suzanne White
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“Rooster/Pisces: Likes shiny things.”
Suzanne White
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