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Suzanne Wright

Suzanne Wright lives in England with her husband, two children, and her Bengal cats. When she's not spending time with her family, she's writing, reading, or doing her version of housework - sweeping the house with a look.

“Know this, too: if you ever get an idea like that again, I'll know, baby, and I'll spank your ass so damn hard there'll be a permanent handprint right there.""She gave him a cheeky smile. "As long as you understand there'll be a matching one on your face.”
Suzanne Wright
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“Dante doesn't go easy. It’s tough.” “And I can’t do it because, what? Because I’m a female? I’ll have you know that there are plenty of things women can do that men can’t.” Tao snickered. “Like what?” “Well, bend over in prison, for one. Multitask, ask for directions, belly flop with dignity, bleed for five days every month yet not die—” “Have multiple orgasms,” offered Dominic.”
Suzanne Wright
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“Lines are for people who are sad and pathetic. Let’s just fuck.”
Suzanne Wright
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“She ... is everything to me. Everything. Healthy or traumatized, she’s all I want, and she’s mine.”
Suzanne Wright
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“I’ll spank your ass so damn hard there’ll be a permanent handprint right there.”She gave him a cheeky smile. “As long as you understand there’ll be a matching one on your face.”
Suzanne Wright
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“You’re not a bad person,” she told him, knowing where his thoughts had taken him. “I’m not saying you’re perfect. You’re cocky and a know-it-all and you’re addicted to working. But you’ve got a nice big dick and great bedroom skills, so I’m willing to overlook all that.”
Suzanne Wright
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“Name.” It was a demand this time, not a question...“Fuck you.”“Good name. I like it. Easy to remember. Mind if I call you Fuck for short?”
Suzanne Wright
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“Give me a number between one and twenty.”Unable to see where this was going, she shrugged. “Eleven.”“You lose. Now strip off your clothes.”
Suzanne Wright
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“He dropped his forehead to hers. “I know I’m a little fucked up. Don’t give up on me baby. I’m not saying that things will suddenly be perfect. I’m a guy, and guys can be stupid. I admit I need the room to mess up a little. I can’t promise I won’t piss you off again, but I can promise you that I’ll never deliberately hurt you. Nothing is more important to me than you. Nothing.”
Suzanne Wright
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“He’d sort of expected the silent treatment. Maybe she wasn’t pissed after all.“Hey, baby, where are you?”“Why the fuck do you care?”No, she was definitely pissed.”
Suzanne Wright
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“You told me you don’t do relationships.”“I don’t. It only ends up a mess when true mates come along” ...“Then why? Why ask for more.”A slight pause. “Because you matter.”
Suzanne Wright
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“You. Are. Mine. That’s it, that’s all there is to it.”
Suzanne Wright
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“I’ll get you back for this, bitch,” the male cupping his balls managed to grit out. She gave him a patronising smile. “I know this must be painful for your ego. Try not to think of it as being defeated. Just think of it as being beat up by a girl.”
Suzanne Wright
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“Look guys, you might want to think twice before doing this. I’m not an easy target. And I’ve seen CSI. I know how to get rid of the bodies and everything.”
Suzanne Wright
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“You know, I used to think you were snarling at me, but now I see’s actually just your face.”
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“Wanna go to bed and play doctors?” Chuckling, she punched his arm. “No, I don’t.”“Sorry, that was immature. How about playing gynecologists?” Again, she chuckled. “I would, but lunch is calling my name loud and clear.”“Baby, I’ll call your name as loud and clear as you want.”
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“She had long ago concluded that it was impossible to find guys who were considerate and sensitive as well as hot. Well, impossible to find some that didn’t already have boyfriends of their own anyway.”
Suzanne Wright
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“Greta: At one point, you practically stalked poor Dante.Jamie: Stalked? No, I just watched him. At night. From behind a bush. Using night-vision googles.”
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“Dante: Want me to get your name inked on me? How about on my arm?Jamie: No. That's boring.Dante: How about over my heart then?Jamie: No. That's corny.Dante: Is not.Jamie: Is too.Dante: We'll discuss it later.”
Suzanne Wright
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“Jamie: Maybe you could stop being a neat freak and ease off with barking orders at me.Dante: I resent the neat-freak statement. And I do not bark.Jamie: Sure you don't, Popeye.Dante: And it wouldn't kill you to use the shoe rack. I mean, it's right by the door.Jamie: Stop putting my CD's in chronological order, and I'll work on the shoe rock thing.Dante: How about alphabetical order?Jamie: How about you go to therapy?”
Suzanne Wright
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“No, I’m done! I’m tired, I’m sweaty, I’m in agony, and why do I feel like I need to shit?”“It’s totally natural to feel that way,” said Grace in a placatory, calming voice. “Some women even have one during labor.”“What?” The word dripped with horror. “Women can shit when they’re in labor? Tell me that won’t happen to me! Don’t you let me shit, Grace!”
Suzanne Wright
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“I think I've had a shit, Shaya." The poor woman sounded distressed and mortified. "Have I, Grace? Don't lie to me." "No, you haven't.""I have, you're lying. Is she lying, Lydia?""No," Lydia quickly said, "you haven't, I promise.”
Suzanne Wright
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“In a perfectworld I would be taller, you would be alive,and chickens could cross the road withoutbeing the subject of a joke.”
Suzanne Wright
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“Oh no, honey, I'm an angel, I swear. The horns are only there to hold up the halo.”
Suzanne Wright
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“What does it feel like to be latent?I don’t know. What does it feel like to be so old that your birth certificate is in Roman numerals?”
Suzanne Wright
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“I'd rather lie under an elephant suffering from diarrea with my mouth open wide.”
Suzanne Wright
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“So he can go ride a donkey naked through the desert with snapping turtles attached to his nipples for all I care.”
Suzanne Wright
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“I hope you told him you'd rather cram your cock in the ass of a bear with inflamed hemorroids than ever be in his company again".”
Suzanne Wright
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“If your left leg is Thanksgiving, and your right leg is Christmas, can I visit you between the holidays?”
Suzanne Wright
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“Grace gave her a gentle smile. "You know what the answer is, don't you? Chocolate. It's always the answer, no matter the question.”
Suzanne Wright
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“You've never kicked him in the bollocks - that should speak volumes to you.”
Suzanne Wright
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“You are a slut, you're my slut.”
Suzanne Wright
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“For God's sake, Connor, will you leave my fucking belly button the fuck alone and either move up a fucking bit or down a fucking bit!”
Suzanne Wright
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“The good Lord had been having a very creative day when he made Connor McKenzie”
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“I’ve met guys like you before. They talk the talk but, well…talking doesn’t exactly get people to orgasm, does it?”
Suzanne Wright
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“I've got a better idea. I'll stay here and you can sit on my face while I eat my way to your heart.”
Suzanne Wright
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“There's nothing depraved about sex. Of course with a little creativity, some toys and a whole lot of dirty talk, you can change that.”
Suzanne Wright
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“A crap upbringing doesn't make someone weak, it makes them strong or how else could they get through it.”
Suzanne Wright
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“There’s no way a woman could possibly resist your charm”Dominic smiled. “Or my dick. Don’t worry, I won’t get it out. I don’t want you all to get intimidated. and in the interest of health and safety, I think it’s better that he’s not unleashed.”
Suzanne Wright
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“You’re all there is for me, Taryn. I’m broken baby. You know that. Before you… it was like those bits of me were just scattered all over the place. I’ve never felt whole. Not until you. You hold those pieces together. It’s not an exaggeration when I say you hold my sanity in your hands. Without you, I’d fall apart.”
Suzanne Wright
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“If I want your opinion, I’ll kick it out of you, okay?”
Suzanne Wright
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“Taryn, are you even listening to me?“I pretended to, so let that be enough”
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“Erections don’t equal personal growth, Trey”
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“You just don’t get it, do you? You have no idea how important you are to me. I need you to be okay, Taryn. I can’t be without you, you have to be here and okay or I would be able to fucking function.”
Suzanne Wright
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“Love is giving someone the power to completely destroy you, and hoping that they won’t”
Suzanne Wright
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“I don’t mind if you want to start ranting just as long as you understand I’ll be ignoring every word”
Suzanne Wright
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“Wouldn’t you like to slip into something more comfortable though? Perhaps a coma?”
Suzanne Wright
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“She's one of those people who are like Slinkies.""Slinkies?""Yeah. Basically useless, but they make you smile when you push them down the stairs.”
Suzanne Wright
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“Taryn marvelled at how all the males could walk at such a leisurely pace yet look extremely menacing at the same time. Each of them suddenly seemed two inches taller than what they truly were and had the most sinister look. Trey… well that was another matter altogether. Scarp hostile and sinister, the guy looked like he needed a rabies shot.”
Suzanne Wright
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“Taryn,” he drawled in an impatient tone, “I am your mate –”And I’m stubborn, if you want absolute obedience, get a Labrador.”
Suzanne Wright
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