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Sydney Croft

Sydney Croft is the alter-ego of two published authors who came together to blend their very different writing interests into adventurous tales of erotic paranormal fiction. Together, they developed a world where people with extraordinary abilities, like the power to control storms, could live and work with others like them. The series has been described as "Erotica meets the X-Men," and is unique in its own "erotic super hero romance" niche.

The authors behind Sydney Croft live in different states and communicate almost entirely through email, though they often get together for conferences and book signings.

Stephanie Tyler

Larissa Ione

“Coming sounds like a good idea, Haley," he murmured in her ear."Are you going to come for me, with me, again and again, until you can't stand it anymore, until you can't see straight?""Is that what you want?" she asked."Not want. Need." He gripped her hips and urged her down to her knees."Need to fuck you, right here. Need to be inside you now."~Remy/Haley”
Sydney Croft
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“He sank to his knees. "I don't know how to handle this. I don't know what you want from me. Quoi tu veux," he murmured, over and over, until the whirring noise slowed and his fingers curled deep into the mud.~Remy”
Sydney Croft
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“You play dirty, Haley." he breathed. "But this is my show.""I can take care of myself""Not like I can.""Do you want me to stop?""No.""Then say it. Say it's my show."~Remy/Haley”
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“I told you the storm's not over."~Remy”
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“I don't know what you want, Haley. Just because you got me off doesn't mean I have to engage in post-fuck chat. So back off.”
Sydney Croft
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“you think I"m that desperate?""The raging hard-on jabbing at me says yes."~Creed/Annika”
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“That was a stupid move,” Logan growled into her hair.“Bite me.”Teeth caught her lobe. The son of a bitch actually bit her.“Lesson number one,” he said. Don't ever say anything to me you don't mean.” -Logan and Sela”
Sydney Croft
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“What's your name?” When she said nothing, he sighed. “You'll find that cooperating will go a long way with me.”“Fine,” she bit out. “It's Sela.”"See? That didn't hurt, did it?” He pushed to his feet, giving her the opportunity she needed.Rolling, she swung her legs out, caught him in the knees...and he went down like a log. Granted, he was up again in a heartbeat, snarling with fury, but still, it felt good to give him a good whack.“You can't help it, can you?” he snapped. “You keep doing stupid things.”“You keep pissing me off!”He blinked. And then he laughed, and good Lord, the man was drop-dead, fucking gorgeous when he did that.-Logan and Sela”
Sydney Croft
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“F*ck Disneyland. Because all in all ACRO was the happiest damned place on earth.”
Sydney Croft
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“You're an asshole.""Everyone says that like they're surprised." Remy & Ender- Unleashing the Storm”
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“See what love does? It makes you weak. Kills you."Warm breath feathered over her scalp as Remy pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her head. "It also gives people something to live for," he whispered.”
Sydney Croft
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“It was like someone was yanking his nuts out of his body through his throat. "Again," he rasped, because said testicles were lodged in his esophagus.~Stryker”
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“We need to get out of here. That's why I did this," he said dumbly, even though she was starting at him now like he was an idiot because he was repeating himself. And he was. Repeating himself and an idiot. Idiot wrapped in a moron. An idiot burrito.~Stryker”
Sydney Croft
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“Want my mouth between your legs? Want me to suck you off again and again?"His voice grew deep and husky, and she knew he was as affected by his graphic talk as she was."I can tast you already. You're wet for me, aren't you? I'm going to bury my tongue in your pussy and eat you until my cock is ready to explode."He backed toward the house as she climbed out of the vehicle."And then I'm going to flip you over and fuck you, long and hard."She growled low in her throat and stalked him, thinking she could pounce when he stopped to unlock the front door. Good thing they didn't have neighbors, because she was ripping off her top and he was rubbing his dick, and fuck, they'd had some intense sex over the last couple of years, but this was going to blow the lid off all those other times."You want it, baby?" he murmured, as he jerked himself with long, tantalizing pulls."You want this buried so deep you can taste it when I come?”
Sydney Croft
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“You don't know anything about me.""I know you bite your bottom lip when you get nervous. I know you twirl your hair when you're amused. And when you get shy, your smile is lopsided."~Chance”
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“A low growl erupted in his chest, suprising him as much as what came out of his mouth."You're mine. Trust me, I want to fuck you ten ways from Sunday."~Chance”
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“You're so full of yourself.""Soon,"he whispered back, "you'll be full of me too."~Sela/Logan”
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“You're mouthy.""You like it."His gaze dropped to her mouth."I know where I'd like it."~Logan/Sela”
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“A couple of hours after Rik left, Trance was still on the floor of the basement dungeon, staring at the mess around him.“Trance?”He looked up to find Wyatt at the bottom of the stairs, staring at him. Wyatt gave a long whistle as he looked around the room and then again at Trance. “Orgy gone wild?”Trance groaned. “Is there a fucking sign on my door that says ‘Bother Me Now’?”
Sydney Croft
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“Wow,” Ryan said, taking the excedo in from his bare feet to his worn jeans and wrinkled T-shirt. “Protesting showers?”“Bite me.” Trance stood aside and let Ryan inside, despite his growled words.Ryan strode to the living room, went straight to Trance's DVD player, and inserted one of his sex discs.Trance stood in the entrance to the living room, arms crossed, leaning against the wall as if it were the only thing holding him up. “I don't remember making a movie date with you.”“Keep your dick in your pants, Romeo.” Ryan pushed Play and stood back. “What do you know about that?”Trance's eyes shot wide, and he yanked himself off the wall. “I know you need an ass-kicking if you came to watch porn with me—oh, fuck me, that's you. Turn it off! I don't need to see that.”Ryan hit the Pause button. “Well?”“Well, what?” Trance shuddered. “Christ. I'm going to have to gouge out my eyes now.”
Sydney Croft
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“I'm assuming you're taking me to ACRO.""Can't get anything by you," Annika drawled."What's going to happen when we get there?""They'll probably torture you for a few days." Annika glanced at Faith's hands and shrugged. "You didn't need those fingernails anyway. Terrible polish. Black doesn't look good on you.”
Sydney Croft
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