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Sylvain Reynard

"Gabriel's Promise" has been released and is now available across platforms:

My New York Times Best Selling Gabriel Series has been acquired by Passionflix. "Gabriel's Inferno" is available in its entirety on, as is "Gabriel's Rapture."

"Gabriel's Redemption" has been released in its entirety on Passionflix.

You can meet the cast, read the most recent update, and learn how to sign up for Passionflix here:

You can view the trailer to the third and final part of "Gabriel's Inferno" here:

Huffington Post Books ranked "Gabriel's Inferno" as the best teacher/student romance novel.

My latest book, "The Man in the Black Suit, (#TMitBS), is a contemporary romance/suspense standalone novel, set in Paris:

The Florentine Series is now complete. Each paperback edition has additional content. Audio and ebooks are also available.

The second book in that series, "The Raven," was nominated by RT Magazine as Best Paranormal Romance Suspense novel of 2015.

I am honoured to have had my novels appear on the New York Times and USAToday Bestseller lists.

I'm interested in the way literature can help us explore aspects of the human condition - particularly suffering, sex, love, faith, and redemption. My favourite stories are those in which a character takes a journey, either a physical journey to a new and exciting place, or a personal journey in which he or she learns something about himself/herself.

I'm also interested in how aesthetic elements such as art, architecture, food, drink, and music can be used to tell a story or to illuminate the traits of a particular character. In my writing, I combine all of these elements with the themes of redemption, forgiveness, and the transformative power of goodness.

I try to use my platform as an author to raise awareness about the following charities: Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep Foundation, WorldVision, Alex's Lemonade Stand, and Covenant House.

For more information, see my Twitter account or my website.

To email me, please use the below addy.

[email protected]

“Scars might heal and we might forget about them in time, but they're permanent. Not even Jesus lost his scars.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“…but anyone can shout obscenities… Why not think that sometimes-just sometimes- you can overcome evil with silence? And let people hear their hatefulness in their ears, without distraction. Maybe goodness is enough to expose evil for what it really is, sometimes. Rather than trying to stop evil with more evil.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“You toyed with her heart. I know what that’s like. I can have compassion for her because of that.”“I met you first,” he whispered.“That doesn’t give you license to be cruel.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“Gabriel caught her hand in his and pressed his open mouth to her palm. “Julianne, you were never just my student. You’re my soul mate. My bashert.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“I care for you-you're precious to me. And one of the most precious things to me is your voice. Please tell me what you want, what you need, what you desire...”
Sylvain Reynard
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“You are an argument for God's existence.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“He was distracted at that moment by a black lace bra that was reclining provocatively but somewhat casually on top of the dryer. He gazed at it and realized that the number and cup size that popped into his head the night he'd taken her to Harbour Sixty for dinner were absolutely correct. Gabriel silently congratulated himself.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“Gabriel slowly began rubbing his eyes, for in addition to suffering from one of the worst hangover headaches of his life, he was slightly enjoying the sight of Miss Mitchell in his T-shirt and boxer shorts, passionately angry and shouting at him in a multiplicity of Western European languages. It was the second most erotic thing he had ever witnessed. And it was entirely beside the point.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“This was the joy that the world sought--sacred and pagan all at once. A union between two dissimilars into a seamless one. A picture of love and deep satisfaction. An ecstatic glimpse of the beatific vision.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“I have become a great many things since you made me your lover.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“You are my water. Making love with you is all I need to quench my thirst. Why would I throw this away for water from the ocean?”
Sylvain Reynard
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“My Dearest Julianne,Thank you for your immeasurable gift.The only thing I have of value is my heart.It’s yours,Gabriel.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“and for your words…If I have a soul, it’s yours...”
Sylvain Reynard
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“I am giving you these to commemorate the fact that I have already given you my heart.” He swallowed thickly as his eyes searched hers. “This is my way of saying that you, Julianne, are the love of my life, and I want something of mine with you always. Don’t you see? These diamonds represent my heart. You can’t refuse them.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“If you want to wait until your scars disappears you'll wait forever...Scars never disappear. Scars might heal and we might forget about them in time, but they are permanent. Not even Jesus lost his scars...”
Sylvain Reynard
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“Rachel looked annoyed. “Do you think he’s embarrassed by us?” “More likely he’s embarrassed by her,” said Gabriel. “She’s probably a stripper.” “Professors in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.” Rachel glared at her brother and stormed out.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“I breathe you,” he whispered. “You’re everything. You’re the air.”-Gabriel”
Sylvain Reynard
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“With this ring I thee wed, with my body I thee worship, and with all my worldly goods I thee endow”
Sylvain Reynard
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“Don't you think she's had her quota of assholes?”
Sylvain Reynard
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“- Mi familia es como una novela de Dickens, Julia. No, es peor. ¡Somos una versión retorcida entre Arthur Miller y John Steinbeck, con una pizca de Dostoyevsky y Tolstoy en ella!— ¿De verdad es tan malo?- Sí, porque tengo la sensación de que hay elementos de Thomas Hardy al acecho debajo de la superficie. Y sabes cuánto lo odio. Bastardo jodedor de mentes.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“He breathed against her ear, making her quiver. “If we were lovers, I would kiss you like this to signal my intention to take you to bed. And you can only imagine the delights that await you there. But at this moment, I can only declare that I burn for you. I won’t let myself touch your lips for fear that I wouldn’t be able to stop.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“I'm Beatrice. You were my first kiss, I fell asleep in your arms in your precious orchard." -Julia”
Sylvain Reynard
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“Thank you for making everything beautiful just by being." -Gabriel”
Sylvain Reynard
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“If I am the darkness then you are the stars." -Gabriel”
Sylvain Reynard
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“You could have had me in the orchard. I would have let you." -Julia”
Sylvain Reynard
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“I don't believe in fairy tales," she breathed."I'd like to make you believe." He leaned over and kissed her forehead.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“If ever he had a moment’s doubt that he would love and admire her forever, no matter whether she chose him or not, that doubt faded away like a wisp of smoke.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“Your best quality is your heart. It's your heart I fell in love with." -Julia”
Sylvain Reynard
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“Some things defy language itself.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“I don't think you comprehend the depth of my feeling for you. It goes beyond wanting to be near you, or protect you. I want you to be happy, and I want you to be treated with respect.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“That's my Heaven. And my Hell.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“She was bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh. She was his soul mate and his wife, and all he wanted was to bring her joy. He was consumed by his adoration of her.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“Growing up, she felt so unworthy of having her deepest desires satisfied, of being loved absolutely. She didn't feel that way anymore.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“If he thought this disgusting display of food porn was going to get her attention and maybe make her a little hot and bothered until she was putty in his hands . . . he was right.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“Anything that exists has some goodness in it because God made it. And no matter how marred or broken or sinful that being is, it still maintains some goodness so long as it exists. Evil can only feed off of goodness like a parasite; if all the goodness of a creature were eliminated, the creature in question would no longer exist.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“he shrugged. "occupational hazard of being a research assistant to a total dick".”
Sylvain Reynard
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“The Angelfucker strikes again.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“Pero por un instante, fue real. La chispa seguía viva. Cuando me besó y me acarició, la electricidad seguía estando allí. Tiene que haberla sentido él también. Es imposible que haya existido sólo en mi cabeza.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“—¿Volverás? —Su voz era casi un gemido.Él suspiró profundamente.—Mañana seré expulsado del Paraíso, Beatriz. Nuestra única esperanza es que tú me encuentres. Búscame en el Infierno.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“Julia no quería que la follaran como a un animal. Quería ser amada. Ése era el tipo de sentimiento que deseaba desesperadamente, aunque en el fondo no se creía merecedora de él. Quería ser la musa de alguien. Quería ser venerada y adorada en cuerpo y alma. Quería ser la Beatriz de un Dante apuesto y noble y habitar con él para siempre en el Paraíso. Quería vivir una vida que rivalizara con la belleza de las ilustraciones de Botticelli.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“Falling asleep in your arms again reminded me that I was only half a person in your absence. You make me whole.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“In a perfect world, there would always be communication and consultation between partners. But we don’t live in that world. There are emergencies and dangerous, vindictive people.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“She glanced over at the twisted wreckage of the chair — (a nice, Swedish chair that had done nothing in its short life to hurt anyone”
Sylvain Reynard
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“Don't wait too long. Life takes unexpected turns, and we don't always have the time we think we have.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“Having seen you naked, I should demand that the only thing you wear in my presence from now on are these earrings. Anything else is superfluous.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“Paul is waiting... I told you Fuck Paul. You're my Beatrice. You belong to me ”
Sylvain Reynard
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“Ever had a beer before?" Gabriel grinned. She shook her head."Then I'm glad I'm your first.""Have you ever held a boy's hand before?" She shook her head, and he laughed softly. "Then I'm glad I'm your first.""Have you ever been kissed by a boy?" She blushed deeply and shook her head."Then I'm glad I'm your first.""Have you ever fallen asleep in the arms of a boy before, Beatrice?"She shook her head."Then I'm glad I'm your first.""I haven't really danced like this before," she said wistfully."Then I'm glad I'm your first.""Has a man ever asked you to marry him before?"She shook her head, covering her mouth with her hand."Then I'm glad I'm your first.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“Gabriel noticed with satisfaction the way Julia intentionally fingered one of her diamond earrings, as if she understood his revelations and received them gladly. As if she knew he was revealing his love for her through art. His heart swelled.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“I want to be your first and your last. I love you, Julianne. I offer you my heart and my life.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“La gloriosa donna della mia mente”
Sylvain Reynard
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