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Sylvain Reynard

"Gabriel's Promise" has been released and is now available across platforms:

My New York Times Best Selling Gabriel Series has been acquired by Passionflix. "Gabriel's Inferno" is available in its entirety on, as is "Gabriel's Rapture."

"Gabriel's Redemption" has been released in its entirety on Passionflix.

You can meet the cast, read the most recent update, and learn how to sign up for Passionflix here:

You can view the trailer to the third and final part of "Gabriel's Inferno" here:

Huffington Post Books ranked "Gabriel's Inferno" as the best teacher/student romance novel.

My latest book, "The Man in the Black Suit, (#TMitBS), is a contemporary romance/suspense standalone novel, set in Paris:

The Florentine Series is now complete. Each paperback edition has additional content. Audio and ebooks are also available.

The second book in that series, "The Raven," was nominated by RT Magazine as Best Paranormal Romance Suspense novel of 2015.

I am honoured to have had my novels appear on the New York Times and USAToday Bestseller lists.

I'm interested in the way literature can help us explore aspects of the human condition - particularly suffering, sex, love, faith, and redemption. My favourite stories are those in which a character takes a journey, either a physical journey to a new and exciting place, or a personal journey in which he or she learns something about himself/herself.

I'm also interested in how aesthetic elements such as art, architecture, food, drink, and music can be used to tell a story or to illuminate the traits of a particular character. In my writing, I combine all of these elements with the themes of redemption, forgiveness, and the transformative power of goodness.

I try to use my platform as an author to raise awareness about the following charities: Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep Foundation, WorldVision, Alex's Lemonade Stand, and Covenant House.

For more information, see my Twitter account or my website.

To email me, please use the below addy.

[email protected]

“I don't like to think of anything as hopeless”
Sylvain Reynard
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“Never Leave." His voice dropped, and he turned to face her."I'm more worried about losing you."He leaned over and kissed her forehead. "Then you have nothing to worry about”
Sylvain Reynard
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“When I am an old man and I can remember nothing else, I will remember this moment. The first time my eyes beheld an angel in the flesh. “I will remember your body and your eyes, your beautiful face and breasts, your curves and this.” He traced his hand around her navel before dragging it lightly to the top of her lower curls. “I will remember your scent and your touch and how it felt to love you. But most of all, I will remember how it felt to gaze at true beauty, both inside and out. For you are fair, my beloved, in soul and in body, generous of spirit and generous of heart. And I will never see anything this side of heaven more beautiful tham you”
Sylvain Reynard
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“I want to make love to you because I care about you. I want to worship your naked body with my own and learn all of your secrets. I want to please you, not for minutes, but for hours and even days. I want to see you arch your back in ecstasy and look into your eyes when I make you come.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“I will remember your scent and your touch and how it felt to love you. But most of all, I will remember how it felt to gaze at true beauty, both inside and out. For you are fair, my beloved, in soul and in body, generous of spirit and generous of heart. And I will never see anything this side of heaven more beautiful than you.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“A tall and shirtless Gabriel looked down at her. He was clad only in his underwear, which made him look slightly sexy and slightly ridiculous.His fists were clenched, and Julia saw the tendons standing out in his magnificent arms."Don't you remember what happened last night, Gabriel?""No, thankfully I don't. And get up! You're on your knees more than the average whore." He spoke through clenched teeth, glaring at her servile form.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“Love hath so long possess'd me for his ownAnd made his lordship so familiarThat he, who at first irk'd me, is now grownUnto my heart as its best secrets are.And thus, when he in such sore wise doth marMy life that all its strength seems gone from it.Mine inmost being then feels thoroughly quitOf anguish, and all evil keeps afar.Love also gathers to such power in meThat my sighs speak, each one a grievous thing.Always solicitingMy Gabriel's salutation piteously.Whenever he beholds me, it is so,Who is more sweet than any words can show.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“And the Angelfucker makes his move.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“Miss Mitchell had a lovely voice, it was true, but Miss Mitchell speaking Italian was something celestial. Her ruby mouth opening and closing, the delicate way she almost sang the words, her tongue peeking out to wet her lips from time to time...Professor Emerson had to remind himself to close his mouth after it had dropped open.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“Look at me. I want to see your eyes when you come.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“She wanted more. More of him. More of this and them...she wanted to see him come apart above her and know that they had done this together. She wanted to find their own beautiful rhythm. The music swirled and rose about them, a tempting pace she was eager to match.She smiled, and he felt her smile travel all the way to his heart, allaying his worries. Without breaking eye contact, he began to move in and out maddeningly slowly.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“Look at me. Look into my eyes." His eyes fixed on hers as they fluttered open."I'll give you anything. My body, my soul, Take them. Take everything.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“When I told you that I was intending to worship you with my body, I meant it. With all my heart. I will never take from you. I will only give. In my bed and outside of it.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“That was before I decided to bring an angel to my bed.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“You blossom under kindness, don't you? Like a rose.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“You can’t do it, can you? Your skin remembers me, and so does your heart. You told them to forget, but they can’t. Remember me, Beatrice. Remember your first.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“Why not think that sometimes—just sometimes—you can overcome evil with silence? And let people hear their hatefulness in their own ears, without distraction. Maybe goodness is enough to expose evil for what it really is, sometimes.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“You know, the act of feeding someone is the ultimate act of care and affection...sharing yourself with someone else through food." He held another mouthful of cake under her nose. "Think about it. We are fed in the Eucharist, by our mothers when we are infants, by our parents as children, by friends at dinner parties, by a lover when we feast on one another's bodies...and on occasion, on another's souls.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“He's 33 for God's sake - being a player isn't cute anymore.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“When everyone in the whole world believes one thing and you are the only one who believes differently, it's very tempting to assimilate”
Sylvain Reynard
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“Sin isn't something that is attracted to a human being, Professor. It's the other way around.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“Facilis descensus Averni," he whispered, his ominous and preternatural words striking her very soul. "The descent to Hell is easy.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“I like your…outfit.” His eyes took in the naked flesh that was visible below the edge of the shirttail.“I like your outfit too. You’re looking awfully casual this morning, Professor.”He leaned forward and gave her a heated look. “Miss Mitchell, you’re lucky I decided to put on any clothes at all.” He chuckled at her fierce blush and disappeared into the kitchen.Oh, gods of all virgins who are planning to have sex with their sex-god (no blasphemy intended) boyfriends, please don’t let me spontaneously combust when he finally takes me to bed. I really need a Gabriel-induced orgasm, especially after last night. Please. Please. Pretty please…”
Sylvain Reynard
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“After all we've shared, I just want to hold you and be close. Rest in my arms and know that I love you.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“Think about it. We are fed in the Eucharist, by our mothers when we are infants, by our parents as children, by friends at dinner parties, by a lover when we feast on one another’s bodies…and on occasion, on one another’s souls. Don’t you want me to feed you? You don’t want to feast on my body, but at least feast on my cake.”Gabriel chuckled. When Julia didn’t answer, he turned his full attention to his dessert. She scowled. If he thought this disgusting display of food porn was going to get her attention and maybe make her a little hot and bothered until she was putty in his hands……he was right.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“I'm sorry you don't want to know me anymore. I will spend the rest of my life regretting the fact that I wasted my second chance to know you. And I will always be conscious of your absence."- Gabriel to Julia.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“She would give him everything. She would do anything to take away his pain, including offering up herself.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“Julia wasn't breathing. How could she when the sensation was so intense? The taste of peppermint, the scent of Aramis, the way his breath consumed her.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“Sometimes people, when left alone, can hear their own hatefulness for themselves. Sometimes goodness is enough to expose evil for what it really is.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“Bad things happen to everyone. Not that this was an excuse or a justification for wronging another human being. Still, all humans had this shared experience — that of suffering. No human being left this world without shedding a tear, or feeling pain, or wading into the sea of sorrow.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“She’d made her choice when he asked for her hand and she’d offered it without question. Once he touched her, she knew she was his. Afterward, he had always been there in the shadows, like a ghost who would not leave. And now the ghost had decided that he wanted her.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“I’ve always had a terrible weakness for beautiful but sad things.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“Why do you do that?” he whispered, after a few minutes.“Do what?”“Provoke me.”“I don’t…I…I’m not provoking you. I’m stating a fact.”“Nevertheless, it is extremely provocative. Every time I try to have a conversation with you like a normal person, you provoke me.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“Let me feed you,” he whispered, his tone suddenly husky.He sounded like sex. Or at least, what Julia imagined sex would sound like if it was sitting on a white banquette with shining blue eyes and an arrogant jaw, trying to press a cold glass up to her mouth.Oh my, Gabriel. Oh my, Gabriel. Oh my, Gabriel. Oh…my…Gabriel.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“A double shot of Laphroaig twenty-five-year-old, neat, please. And ask the bartender for a small shot glass of spring water, non-sparkling,” Gabriel instructed without making eye contact with the waitress.The waitress left, and Rachel began to laugh. “Big brother, only you could make ordering a drink sound pretentious.”-Rachel to Gabriel”
Sylvain Reynard
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“In addition to her boulangerie and fromagerie French, she knew enough of the language to realize that the title of Rodin’s sculpture, Le Baiser in French, was part of its subversion. For baiser in French could mean either the innocence of a kiss or the animalistic quality of a f*ck. One could say le baiser and refer to a kiss, but if one said, Baise-moi, one was begging to be f*cked. Both innocence and begging were wrapped up in the embrace of these two lovers whose lips never touched: frozen together, yet separated for all eternity. Julia wanted to free them from their frozen embrace, and she secretly hoped her thesis would allow her to do so.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“Julia closed her eyes and concentrated on the words to Lacrimosa, sung loudly and hauntingly by the multi-voice choir in Latin…Day of Weeping,on which will rise from ashes guilty man for judgment. So have mercy, O Lord, on this man. Compassionate Lord Jesus, grant them rest. Amen.What is wrong with Gabriel that he listens to this over and over again? And what does it say about me that I can’t help but feel close to him when I listen to it? All I’ve done is replace his photograph with his cd — I’m just not sleeping with it under my pillow.I am one sick puppy.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“Open your eyes.”Julia looked up into a pair of blue orbs that were startlingly clear and very emotional, but she could not decipher the emotions. He smiled and pressed his lips to her forehead again before rolling onto his back and gazing up at the stars.“What are you thinking?” She shifted herself so that she was curled up at his side, close to but not touching him with her body.“I was thinking about how I waited for you. I waited and waited, and you never came.” He smiled at her sadly.“I’m sorry, Gabriel.”“You’re here now. Apparuit iam beatitudo vestra.”“I don’t know what that means.” She sounded shy.“It means now your blessedness appears. But really, it should be now my blessedness appears. Now that you’re here.” He pulled her closer, snaking his arm beneath her neck and down to her waist where he splayed his hand, fingers wide, at the small of her back. “For the rest of my life, I’ll dream of hearing your voice breathe my name.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“But he was not her Gabriel. Her Gabriel was dead. Gone. Leaving behind only vestiges of him in the body of a harsh and tortured clone. Gabriel had almost broken Julia’s heart once. She was determined she would not let him break her heart for the second time.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“For no man would have touched her like that before. Eventually, she would be eager and responsive to him. Oh, so responsive. They would kiss, and it would be electric — intense — explosive. Their tongues would tangle and tango together desperately, as if they had never kissed before.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“As soon as the words presented themselves, Gabriel knew that they were perfect for him. Perfect for what he was contemplating doing to her. Perfect for his own self-justification.Tasting. Taking. Sucking. Sinning. Draining. Abandoning.She was pure. She was innocent. He wanted her.Facilis descensus Averni.But he would not be the one to make her bleed. He could not, would not, make another girl bleed for the rest of his life. All thoughts of seduction and mad, passionate f*cking on desks and chairs, against walls and bookshelves and windows, immediately gave way. He would not take her. He would not mark her and claim what he had no right to claim.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“At first he didn’t recognize her. She was breathtakingly beautiful, her movements sure and graceful. Yet there was something about her face and figure that reminded him of the girl he’d fallen in love with long ago. They’d gone their separate ways, and he had always mourned her, his angel, his muse, his beloved Beatrice. Without her, his life had been lonely and small.Now his blessedness appeared.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“Gabriel kissed Julia as if he knew her, as if she belonged to him. His kiss was passionate and full of emotion, as if every fiber of his being had melted and spread itself on his lips only to be given to her.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“For the rest of my life, I'll dream of hearing your voice breathe my name.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“You, of all people, deserve a happy ending. Despite everything that happened to you, you aren't bitter. You aren't cold. You've just retreated a little and been shy, and that's okay. If I were a fairy godmother, I would give you your heart's desire in an istant. And I would wipe away your tears and tell you not to cry.-Rachel to Julia”
Sylvain Reynard
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“She comforted him in his darkness and gave him hope. She seemed to cherish a sincere affection for him, despite his failings. 'She saved me'.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“I want you forever, not just for tonight.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“All the money in the world cannot pay for a life.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“Julianne Mitchell, I love you too.”
Sylvain Reynard
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“How long did you want me to stay?”“Forever.”
Sylvain Reynard
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