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Sylvia Browne

“The more painful it is, tragically, the more you do learn, though, that's the good part.”
Sylvia Browne
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“People are afraid to die, and even more afraid to live.”
Sylvia Browne
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“God is Love, my friends- nothing more, nothing less.”
Sylvia Browne
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“a ghost is someone who hasn't made it.”
Sylvia Browne
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“So the soul mate does make us feel complete, like finding the deeper understanding of ourselves...souls will choose to be with or marry others when incarnate. We go through countless experiences, and sometimes one soul outgrows the other one (which also imitates life when one person grows and his or her partner stays stagnant). Of course these two are still connected-it's just that one has evolved to a greater degree than the other half has. This doesn't mean that your soul mate stops watching out for you or loving you-you two will be close for eternity. So instead of looking for the one soul mate, enjoy all the wonderful people you know and love here and from other lives...and even on the Other Side.”
Sylvia Browne
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“Death is the reward for living”
Sylvia Browne
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“Death is the Graduation of the Soul”
Sylvia Browne
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“I'm tired of being scared, and I know you are too. Not that there isn't alot to be scared of in this world today, between the non-stop headlines about wars and nuclear power plants and terrorists and assasinations and civil unrest and economic uncertainty and political doublespeak and insane weather and an environment that's becoming unhealthier by the day. But a point comes when it's too much to deal with, and thinking about it accomplishes nothing more than sending you to bed with a cold cloth on your head.”
Sylvia Browne
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