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T. A. Miles

T.A. Miles is a being owned by curiosity and fueled by internal magic. She claims to have fallen down a rabbit hole as a child, but in reality seems to be living in a semi-permanent out-of-body experience where she meets fantastical people and magical creatures in lands unknown to earth. She believes her characters are real people, and she publishes for one reason only: to share these people and the experiences they relay in carefully constructed stories unmarred by common human perception. Which sounds very complicated. It's easier to say she prefers to write about exceptionally human experiences.

Let's not try to explain that, actually. It's simpler to read one of her books instead. Remember to read with your head and your soul.

“His father was an ass and he is an ass. I imagine sooner than I should like I shall be playing uncle to a litter of asses.”
T. A. Miles
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“Is that all you've got? A few tricks and quick feet? That's no way to enforce your bold tongue!”
T. A. Miles
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“He’d never really given religion much thought himself. It was just there, one of the basic fundamentals of life and living; Heaven is generally good and one should aspire to end up there, and Hell is decidedly foul and one should generally direct their enemies there.”
T. A. Miles
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“Sorry, pigtails, but subtlety isn't an option anymore.”
T. A. Miles
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“And remember that within every lie, there is a truth hidden. Know the truth to defeat the lie.”
T. A. Miles
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“His angelic wings blackened when the dark fury assailed his mind. Summoning new strength from the unholy power that ravaged his soul, grieved to drastic levels of desperation by the tainting of the holy light within him, he combated ally and enemy alike, bent on destroying both sides in order to ensure the quelling of the dark energies there and then. For days and nights, the lone warrior bathed himself in the blood of angels and demons. And when it was over, he stood alone on contaminated land, with a contaminated soul. He was banned forever from Heaven and not even Hell had space for a creature which seemed to cherish Oblivion over Pandemonium. The dark angel, not so far removed from his former self as his superiors seemed to believe, died on the edge of the cliffs, of utter loneliness and despair.”
T. A. Miles
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“An unwise advisor cannot hope to advise wisely.”
T. A. Miles
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“Anisette! You will eat your food, not demonstrate aerial warfare across the table with it.”
T. A. Miles
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“Should one continue to follow the faith of a group that's cast him out? Shouldn't it stand to reason that if he was true to that faith that the group should have been true to him? Is it unreasonable to ask forgiveness of one who is all-forgiving?”
T. A. Miles
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