T. Greenwood is the author of fourteen novels. She has received grants from the Sherwood Anderson Foundation, the Christopher Isherwood Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Maryland State Arts Council. She has won four San Diego Book Awards. Five of her novels have been IndieNext picks. BODIES OF WATER was finalist for a Lambda Foundation award and KEEPING LUCY was a Target Book Club selection. Her next novel, THE STILL POINT, will be published in February 2024.
She teaches creative writing for San Diego Writer's Ink and The Writer's Center. She and her family split their time between San Diego and Vermont. She is also a photographer.
More information on T. Greenwood can be found at her websites: http://www.tgreenwood.com
“Sometimes things need to get broken”
“We pretended she'd only gotten lost in the colors of fall.Piper”
“My mother, stuck in Two Rivers with a head full of unfulfilled dreams, escaped every chance she got via the Two Rivers Free Library - her library card both a passport and necessary currency for her travels.”
“Sometimes I felt like the mundane details of our lives were the only things tethering me to the world. I could hold onto them - distractions necessitating action. They gave me a sense of purpose. If not for the leaky faucet, the sandwiches, the bills, I might not know what to do with my hands.”
“The Chinese philosopher Mencius believed that man is innately good. He argued that anyone who saw a child falling into a well would immediately feel shock and alarm, and that this impulse, this universal capacity for commiseration, was proof positive that man is inherently good.”
“People say we are defined by the choices that we make;”
“We lived among people whose poverty could be seen in the length of their faces, in their tired speech and in the heaviness of their eyes.”
“... I'm a half-empty kind of girl.”
“And everything with you is always so, I don't know, fucking heavy.”
“... I thought about things stolen from me. I thought about the thieves I had known.”