T. Joseph Browder was born in Lima, Ohio in 1969 and is the author of 'Dark Matters,' 'Plague,' and 'Infernal,' the first in a series of novels about the Multiverse and the age-old battle between good and evil.
Of writing T. Joseph Browder says, "I'm an addict. Some people are addicted to alcohol, some to marijuana, coke, or heroin. I'm addicted to writing. It's my drug of choice and like the monkey on the back of the heroin user it compels me to sit down at my computer every day and check out of reality. Since I work a full-time job in the meat industry my time is limited. If I don't 'use' often enough I suffer withdrawals. The pain is tangible. For me, writing is a high like no other. It's one helluva buzz."
A student of Psychology, T. Joseph Browder also holds Doctorates in Divinity, Metaphysics, and Religious Humanities. "I'm an ordained minister," Browder says, "but that's a prerequisite for the education I was pursuing. I've performed a wedding ceremony or two but have never felt the urge to preach before a congregation."
Like his education, Mr. Browder's writing is driven by an insatiable curiosity for what makes people behave the way they do, make the choices they make, and feel the way they feel. Drawing on an intimate knowledge of the evil alive in humanity his work centers on the darker aspects of life, the sudden changes and left turns life throws at all of us and how we react to those things that lurk around the next corner and go bump in the night.
Mr. Browder currently lives in Kansas with his wife, Marie, and is hard at work on a new novel.
“I don't fear the things that go 'bump' in the night. It's the things that go 'RRAAAAARGGH!' that bother me.”