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T.A. Webb

T.A. Webb is the writing name for the Mean Old Bear That Could. He's worked with people living with HIV/AIDS and with children in the foster care system for over twenty years, and took the smaller pay for the chance to make a difference for those who can't help themselves. After hours, he's the proud single papa of two (now three) rescue dogs, was born and raised in Atlanta, where he still lives, and is a pretty darned good country cook.

His sister taught him to read when he was four, and he tore his way through the local library over the next few years. Always wanting more, he snuck a copy of The Exorcist under his parents' house to read when he was eleven and scared the bejesus out of himself. Thus began a love affair with books that skirt the edge, and when he discovered gay literature, he was hooked for life.

To reach him, please email [email protected], visit him on Facebook at www.facebook.com/authortawebb orhttps://www.facebook.com/twebb7813, tweet him on Twitter @TomBearAtl, or visit him blog at www.tom-webb.blogspot.com.

“You are mine. Mine. I won’t let anyone touch you ever again. No one, you hear me? Not Martin, not any fucking man. No more, Benjamin. Are we clear? Do you understand me? No more!” ~Marcus”
T.A. Webb
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“Pain is like rain, it covers your skin and soaks in bone-deep, but it eventually recedes and allows fresh things to grow.”
T.A. Webb
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“I think I grew up that night. It might have been Patrick that lost his virginity, but it was me that lost my innocence.”
T.A. Webb
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“When you stand at the abyss, you fall to your knees and you fucking grab for any comfort, any little thing to keep it from swallowing you whole.”
T.A. Webb
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“I wanted to lay down my armor, my strength and my pain for just a minute and let someone hold me.”
T.A. Webb
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“It took a village to raise a child, and it took a rainbow of colors to make them feel at home and comfortable.”
T.A. Webb
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“Every gay man out there has at least one man-crush in his past that totally shriveled his nads into raisins and sent him screaming off into the night.”
T.A. Webb
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“Regret is the sound of the ghosts of our own making. I will live with mine until I die.”
T.A. Webb
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