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Taabia Dupree

Taabia Dupree is a romantic at heart. She started writing love stories in junior high school with her best friend. They would spend hours in her parent's basement writing and reading aloud to each other. These stories were always about crushes and falling in love, with the "they lived happily ever after" endings.

She began writing erotic fantasies in 1999. It wasn't until 2008 that she decided to look into independent publishing. Through research and conversations with Indie writers, she learned about editing, formatting and publishing her own work. Taabia feels the learning process is continuous and she will one day write, edit and publish in a different genre. Until then, she is happy writing adult fiction.

Today she resides in the United States, where she lives comfortably with her family and her mischievous four year old cat.

“En las ligeras todas las cosas son visible, pero en la oscuridad, muchas cosas son imaginable.Translated: In the light all things are visible, but in the dark many things are imaginable.”
Taabia Dupree
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