Tadeusz Dołęga-Mostowicz photo

Tadeusz Dołęga-Mostowicz

Tadeusz Dołęga-Mostowicz was a Polish journalist and author of over a dozen popular novels. The best known, which in Poland became a byword for fortuitous careerism, was The Career of Nicodemus Dyzma. It is claimed by some that the book subsequently inspired the 1971 novel Being There by Jerzy Kosiński.

Tadeusz Mostowicz was born August 10, 1898, at his family's village of Okuniewo, near Vitebsk in the Russian Empire, the son of a wealthy lawyer. After graduating from gimnazjum (high school) in Vilna (now Vilnius, Lithuania), then Russian Empire in 1915 he embarked upon law studies at the University of Kiev. There he befriended numerous fellow members of the Polish diaspora and became involved in a local underground group of the Polska Organizacja Wojskowa (Polish Military Organization, abbreviated "POW" in Polish).

After the Russian Revolution, Okuniewo was seized by Bolshevik Russia, and Mostowicz's family moved to Poland, where they bought a small village. Also in 1918, Tadeusz moved to Warsaw, where he joined the Polish Army. He fought as a volunteer in the Polish-Soviet War of 1919-1921, and was demobilized in 1922.

While working at printing houses, Mostowicz sent short stories to newspapers and was finally discovered to be a talented reporter. From 1925 he was on the staff of the daily Rzeczpospolita (The Republic), one of the most influential newspapers in Poland. About that time he adopted the pen name "Dołęga", after his mother's Dołęga coat of arms. While a journalist, he began publishing short stories and pamphlets, many of which achieved considerable popularity.

In 1928 he quit his journalistic job and devoted himself full-time to writing fiction. The following year he finished his first novel, and in 1930 published it as Ostatnia brygada (The Last Brigade). However, it was not until 1932 that he became famous as the author of Kariera Nikodema Dyzmy (The Career of Nicodemus Dyzma), the most popular of his books. Initially serialized in newspapers, the novel proved a major success. Thereafter Mostowicz wrote an average of 2 novels a year. His monthly income is estimated to have exceeded 15,000 złotych, some 2,800 1939 US dollars.

During Poland's defensive war in 1939, Dołęga-Mostowicz was mobilized and served as commanding officer of an outpost defending a bridge over the Cheremosh River at the town of Kuty in southeastern Poland. On September 22, 1939, he was killed in a skirmish with the advancing Soviet Red Army.

In 1978 his remains were exhumed and on November 24 interred at Warsaw's Powązki Cemetery.

“... съзнанието понякога е най-голямата инквизиция.”
Tadeusz Dołęga-Mostowicz
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“Cel mai uimitor sentiment din câte cunosc e dorul.Omul are impresia că este total absorbit de realitatea înconjurătoare,acomodat cu mediul,preocupat de noile lui probleme.Și deodată o străfulgerare orbitoare:chipul cuiva,ochii cuiva,ochii și gura cuiva.Le simți cu un realism zguduitor și îți dai seama că tot ce te înconjoară este lipsit de importanță,indiferent,ba chiar dizgrațios.Dizgrațios tocmai de aceea că ne îndepărtează de acele mâini,de acea gură.Cunoști dumneata durerea de inimă,durerea aceea fizică ce ne sfâșie pieptul,scurt și violent?...”
Tadeusz Dołęga-Mostowicz
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“[…]Timpul lasă urme…Au mai rămas amintirile,amintiri dureroase și răscolitoare.O cicatrice.Am iertat-o.Asta-i tot.Căzu pe gânduri,apoi adăugă:-Vezi,și din asta poți afla ce poate face timpul.Totul trece.Ceea ce cândva părea să fie întreg universul peste câțiva ani ni se înfățișează ca un fir de praf și nu putem înțelege de ce ne-am lăsat furați de iluzii.-O,nu,se împotrivi Lucia,doar știți și acum că femeia aceea a însemnat pentru dumneavoastră întreg universul.Adevărata iubire,chiar dacă se stinge,rămâne ceva măreț.”
Tadeusz Dołęga-Mostowicz
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“În cuvintele "niciodată" și "întotdeauna" e mult patos si rareori adevăr.”
Tadeusz Dołęga-Mostowicz
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“Fericirea durează atât cât omul știe s-o prețuiască cum se cuvine.”
Tadeusz Dołęga-Mostowicz
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“În fond,ce înseamnă să faci carieră?Înseamnă să folosești toate atuurile cu care te-a înzestrat natura,mediul,educația,instruirea pentru a aplica în practică toate aptitudinile,inteligența,energia,priceperea de a întreține relațiile cu oamenii.”
Tadeusz Dołęga-Mostowicz
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