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Tage Lindbom

Tage Lindbom (1909-2001) was a Swedish PhD in Political science, who was early in his life the party theoretician and director of the archives of the Swedish Social Democratic Party 1938-1965. He served on public boards and commissions dealing with cultural questions, including the executive board of the Royal Opera. Later in his life he converted to Islam. He became a representative of the Traditional School and the Perennial philosophy. Lindbom has been called "the grand old man" of Swedish conservativism and is the author of more than 20 books on philosophy and religion. He was a contributor to the quarterly journal, Studies in Comparative Religion, which dealt with religious symbolism and the Traditionalist perspective.

“In the final analysis, what is it that we call popular, democratic power? Beyond the expressed will of the people, as it is supposedly formulated, there is no appeal; here we meet the absolute, the universal, the indivisible, and the immovable. There is nothing a priori, nothing anterior to democratic power; no ideas of truth, no notions of good or bad, can bind the Popular Will. This 'will' is free in the sense that it stands above all notions of value. It is egalitarian because it is reared on arithmetic equality..It is not open to any appeal, it listens to no demand for grace, no plea for compassion. Like the Sphinx, the Popular Will is immovable in its enigmatic silence.”
Tage Lindbom
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