Tahar Ben Jelloun photo

Tahar Ben Jelloun

الطاهر بن جلون

Tahar Ben Jelloun (Arabic: الطاهر بن جلون‎‎) is a Moroccan writer. The entirety of his work is written in French, although his first language is Arabic. He became known for his 1985 novel L’Enfant de Sable (The Sand Child). Today he lives in Paris and continues to write. He has been short-listed for the Nobel Prize in Literature.

“Our steps invent the path as we proceed; behind us they leave no trace, only the void. So we shall always look ahead and trust our feet. They will take us as far as our minds will go… -- Tahar ben Jelloun”
Tahar Ben Jelloun
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“La foi n'est pas la peur. Le suicide n'est pas une solution. L'épreuve est un défi. La résistance est un devoir, pas une obligation. Garder sa dignité est un impératif absolu. C'est ça : la dignité, c'est ce qui me reste, ce qui nous reste. Chacun fait ce qu'il peut pour que sa dignité ne soit pas atteinte. Voilà ma mission. Rester debout, être un homme, jamais une loque, une serpillère, une erreur.”
Tahar Ben Jelloun
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“Our first love is always our last.”
Tahar Ben Jelloun
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“il m'arrive de quitter ma peau et d’être spectateur de mon état”
Tahar Ben Jelloun
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“I have at least the whole of my life to answer a question: Who am I? And who is the other? A gust of wind at dawn? A motionless landscape? A trembling leaf? A coil of white smoke above a mountain? I write all these words and I hear the wind, not outside, but inside my head. A strong wind, it rattles the shutters through which I enter the dream.”
Tahar Ben Jelloun
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“Pain, too, comes from depths that cannot be revealed. We do not know whether those depths are in ourselves or elsewhere, in a graveyard, in a scarcely dug grave, only recently inhabited by withered flesh. This truth, which is banal enough, unravels time and the face, holds up a mirror to me in which I cannot see myself without being overcome by a profound sadness that undermines one's whole being. The mirror has become the route through which my body reaches that state, in which it is crushed into the ground, digs a temporary grave, and allows itself to be drawn by the living roots that swarm beneath the stones. It is flattened beneath the weight of that immense sadness which few people have the privilege of knowing. So I avoid mirrors.”
Tahar Ben Jelloun
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“Respecter une femme, c'est pouvoir envisager l'amitié avec elle ; ce qui n'exclut pas le jeu de la séduction, et même, dans certains cas, le désir et l'amour.”
Tahar Ben Jelloun
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“Le premier amour est toujours le dernier.”
Tahar Ben Jelloun
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“L'âme humaine ne s'explique pas par la psychologie. Elle ne peut être expliquée, elle est à vivre.”
Tahar Ben Jelloun
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“Une bibliothèque est une chambre d'amis.”
Tahar Ben Jelloun
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“La vida no es una novela, es algo más y mejor que una novela; es más imprevisible, más loca y menos tierna que una historia narrada en un libro. Una novela traiciona a la vida, porque cualquiera puede abrirla y empezar a leer por el último capítulo”. En la vida existe, para cada cual, un último capítulo, se sabe cómo acaba la historia, se sabe el desenlace final, pero nadie puede decir cuándo, dónde y en qué condiciones se desarrolla el final”
Tahar Ben Jelloun
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“Une femme qui pleure et te demande de la protéger c’est Grandiose”
Tahar Ben Jelloun
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“و للمرة الأولى منذ ثمانية عشر عاماً أقفُ قبالة صورتي . أغمضت عيني . أحسست بالخوف . خفت من عينيّ الزائغتين ، من تلك النظرة التي أفلتت بمشقة من الموت ، من ذلك الوجه الذي شاخ و فقد سيماء انسانيته ..”
Tahar Ben Jelloun
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“Don't worry, life is good despite everything!”
Tahar Ben Jelloun
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“Pour respecter un individu, ne faut-il pas croire en l'importance de la subjectivité, cette liberté légitime que nous portons en nous et qui nous donne le droit de nous exprimer.”
Tahar Ben Jelloun
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“A modern civilization is only possible when it is accepted that singular beings exist and express themselves freely.”
Tahar Ben Jelloun
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“I am glad I have found a readership, but one can't write only what is likely to sell. A writer is not a shopkeeper. ”
Tahar Ben Jelloun
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