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Tai Odunsi

“…you know how hard it is to be utterly, drop dead gorgeous," she said, twirling that shiny instrument of torture she liked to call her hair.”
Tai Odunsi
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“I would have to break the ice with a warm smile that would melt her heart.”
Tai Odunsi
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“Instantly, the pair fell to groping one other as if each had puff the magic dragon at a rock concert in Woodstock.”
Tai Odunsi
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“…I bet Echo that she couldn't repeat the following line ten times fast: Cupid's Academy counts kissing cousins as completed conquests cause his classes cunningly conspire unconscious couples to copulate and canoodle copiously.”
Tai Odunsi
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“This coming from the god who zinged Guinevere and Lancelot while King Arthur was away slaying dragons.”
Tai Odunsi
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“Even Cronus, the Titan who literally had his kids for breakfast, would find these facts hard to swallow.”
Tai Odunsi
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“She wore an A-line bridal gown with a V-shaped neckline while Apollo playing Bach's Air on the G string.”
Tai Odunsi
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“Since my trips to Earth, I've only managed to assemble a few basics facts about humans, condensing them in to four, overall points: kids got Reese's, teens got recess, adults got recessions, and seniors got receding.”
Tai Odunsi
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“In Poetry class, Professor Sappho teaches us how to compose love ballads. She's a swell teacher and all but I'm not sure I understand her. She's always going on and on about her weekend trips with the other goddesses to the island of Lesbos.”
Tai Odunsi
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