Taichi Yamada photo

Taichi Yamada

Taichi Yamada is one of the most famous and highly respected writers in Japan. Winner of many awards for literary excellence from private organizations and from the Japanese government, he is best known for his scripts for TV dramas, but has also written many novels and plays. He was born in Tokyo in 1934, and graduated from Waseda University in 1958 after having studied japanese Language and Literature in the Department of Education. That same year he entered the Shochiku Film Company and began to work at the Ofuna Studio Production Department. In 1965, he left Shochiku and established himself as an independent scenario writer.

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“In fact, knowing she'd been through hardship filled me with sweet tenderness.”
Taichi Yamada
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“Good evening" Said Mutsuko. Her voice that of a young girl. "Good evening" I responded. She was beautiful. Tears welled up in my eyes, unable to even ask her to come in, and with my eyes still on her, I began to sob. Mutsuko watched me in silence.”
Taichi Yamada
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“She stretched her arms towards me without moving from the spot, as if there were a fence preventing her from getting any closer. I rushed over and embraced her and she clung to me as if she were drowning.”
Taichi Yamada
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“She too was gazing at the glimmering winows across the city.”
Taichi Yamada
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