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Talbot Mundy

“Some of them will welcome me as small boys do a teacher, telling me the little secrets better to conceal the big ones.For I tell you, that secrets are not kept by being secretive;”
Talbot Mundy
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“For a government,' said the god, 'is nothing but a mirror of your minds--tyrannical for tyrants--hypocritical for hypocrites --corrupt for those who are indifferent--extravagant and wasteful for the selfish--strong and honorable only toward honest men.”
Talbot Mundy
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“Silence is the only safe answer to Silence.”
Talbot Mundy
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“A deed--who measures it? Who knows the limits of a mended wheel or reckons up the leagues it shall lay underfoot?--what burdens it shall bear?--whose destiny it shall await and serve?”
Talbot Mundy
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“Good women don't reform bad men, they only irritate them.”
Talbot Mundy
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