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Tammy Trottot

Little Judy Talks to God...

Hello Children of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ. This sight is for me and my books about a special little girl named Judy. This is the first time I have wrote a book and god is directing the show. I am not a profit or religious leader I am a mom of 6 and wife. God has moved me to write this book and I at first was hesitent. I only have a 8th grade education but I put myself in gods hands and let him take the lead. I turned to god for alot of things and he has helped me threw. Please find your way to this first in the series book. More will be following shortly .

This series of books are dedicated to my beautiful children,husband ,and parents..I have come along way to find god and I think he was prolly saying. Tammy really I say go right and you go to the left this didn't have to be that difficult.To say the least I am a bit head strong . You sorta have to be to be an author and mother . Judy my main charter is a mix of all my kids she has the moxy and sweetness of them all. Most of my kids are special needs rangeing from TBI to autism. But all are a gift .

The most amazeing thing I learned from becomming a parent is that you need to give your kids room. They will suprise you. I have adopted a different stragedy with my kids who are now mostly grown and have 2 teens left. My two youngest are very respectful and they know what I expect of them.

Let me tell you a little story..

We went to dinner one day and my youngest son was across the table from me. We were getting up to leave and my knee that has been giving me a bit of trouble almost gave out. My youngest came over and said "Mommy are you ok"? I said I was fine and thanked him for helping me. A father who was sitting with his son in the near by booth said to his son. "Would you look at that,He offered to help his mom"The son replied curtly "Well he likes her" My son and I looked at each other laughed and smiled.

“Don't hit your kids or animals just because you cant hit your boss..”
Tammy Trottot
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“You'll Never reach your goals if your too busy looking behinde you.”
Tammy Trottot
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