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Tamora Pierce

I return to my regularly scheduled profile:

Though I would love to join groups, I'm going to turn them all down. I just don't have the time to take part, so please don't be offended if I don't join your group or accept an invitation. I'm not snooty--I'm just up to my eyeballs in work and appearances!

Also, don't be alarmed by the number of books I've read. When I get bored, I go through the different lists and rediscover books I've read in the past. It's a very evil way to use up time when I should be doing other things. Obviously, I've read a lot of books in 54 years!

I was born in South Connellsville, PA. My mother wanted to name me "Tamara" but the nurse who filled out my birth certificate misspelled it as "Tamora". When I was 8 my family moved to California, where we lived for 6 years on both sides of the San Francisco peninsula.

I started writing stories in 6th grade. My interest in fantasy and science fiction began when I was introduced to ‘The Lord of the Rings’ by J. R. R. Tolkien and so I started to write the kind of books that I was reading. After my parents divorced, my mother took my sisters and me back to Pennsylvania in 1969. There I went to Albert Gallatin Senior High for 2 years and Uniontown Area Senior High School for my senior year.

After graduating from the University of Pennsylvania, I wrote the book that became The Song of the Lioness fantasy quartet. I sold some articles and 2 short stories and wrote reviews for a martial arts movie magazine. At last the first book of the quartet, Alanna: The First Adventure was published by Atheneum Books in 1983.

Tim Liebe, who became my Spouse-Creature, and I lived in New York City with assorted cats and two parakeets from 1982 - 2006. In 2006 we moved to Syracuse, New York, where we live now with assorted cats, a number of squirrels, birds, raccoons, skunks, opossums, and woodchucks visiting our very small yard. As of 2011, I have 27 novels in print, one short story collection, one comic book arc ("White Tiger: A Hero's Compulsion") co-written with Tim, and a short story anthology co-editing credit. There's more to come, including a companion book to the Tortall `verse. So stay tuned!

“Ah," Gary said dreamily. " 'Free time.' I've heard about that. Don't fool yourself, Fire-Top. What with extra hours of lessons for punishments, and the extra work you get every day, free time is an illusion. It's what you get when you die and the gods reward you for a life spent working from dawn until midnight. We all face up to it sooner or later--the only real free time you get here is what my honored sire chooses to give you, when he thinks you have earned it." "And he doesn't give it to you at night," Alex put in. "He gives it to you when you've been here awhile, on Market Day and sometimes a morning or afternoon all to yourself. But never at night. At night you study. During the day you study. In your sleep--”
Tamora Pierce
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“I said I fell down. Ah. The ground bloodied your nose, split yer lip, and punched ye in th' eye, all at once.I said I don't want to talk about it.”
Tamora Pierce
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“Didn't they realize that the only way to change things was to act?”
Tamora Pierce
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“You know something? There are sandstorms that strip man and horse and bury them — I've seen them. I saw bones piled higher than my head for the folly of a bad king and those who wanted his throne. I lived through a blizzard that froze every other living creature solid. Against those things, you're only a man. I can deal with you.”
Tamora Pierce
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“You ride as a man, fight as a man, and you think as a man-""I think as a human being," she retorted hotly. "Men don't think any differently from women- they just make more noise about being able to.”
Tamora Pierce
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“Oh! I'm stupid as well as insane.”
Tamora Pierce
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“Would I serve you or (Prince) Jon stolen goods? he asked. "No, don't answer me.”
Tamora Pierce
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“Don't die on me," she whispered when the clock struck midnight and he still had not moved. "It's only a little shoulder wound. Goddess, George-don't die on me."His eyes flickered open and he smiled. "I didn't know you cared," he whispered. "And why insult me? I won't die for a wee nick like this; I've had worse in my day."Alanna wiped her wet cheeks. "Of course I care, you unprincipled pickpocket!" she whispered. "Of course I care.”
Tamora Pierce
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“Why do boys say someone acts like a girl as if it were an insult?”
Tamora Pierce
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“I am not wise, but I can always learn.”
Tamora Pierce
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“He was overconfident”, she told him. “And I won so the gods must have thought I was right. Otherwise they’d have made me lose. You know how trial by combat works.” “You won because you were good” he corrected her. “I find it hard to believe the gods sit forever about the Divine Realms betting on jousts and trials by combat.”
Tamora Pierce
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“Haven’t you ever noticed that people who win say it’s because the gods know they are in the right, but if they lose, it wasn’t the gods who declared them wrong? Their opponent cheated, or their equipment was bad.”
Tamora Pierce
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“Oakbridge did his work with dramatics and prophecies that all would go horribly awry. Having dealt with him over midwinter, Kel wondered why the man hadn’t died of a heart attack. Instead he seemed to thrive on disaster and finding people seated in the wrong places.”
Tamora Pierce
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“If we pick a fight, then we're just as bad as them. Combat should be used just to help people who can't defend themselves, period.""Well, if I don't fight back and they pound on me, then I'm one of the people I should be defending.”
Tamora Pierce
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“If I say you're a goatherd's son, you say, 'Yes, Lord Ralon.'"Alanna gasped with fury. "I'd as soon kiss a pig! Is that what you've been doing-kissing pigs? Or being kissed?”
Tamora Pierce
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“No one expects a woman busy at her sewing to pay attention to what’s being said around her. Nevermind if a man’s mother and sister showerd them they heard everything while they stictched, he’ll still think a woman who plies her needles saves all her brains for the work. You’re a far better spy hemming sheets than if you clank with daggers.”
Tamora Pierce
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“As long as there's life, there's hope.”
Tamora Pierce
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“It's harder to heal than it is to kill.”
Tamora Pierce
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“Raoul: Age and treachery!Neal: Youth and skill!”
Tamora Pierce
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“Girls are 50% of the population. We deserve to represent 50% of the heroes.”
Tamora Pierce
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“Your life might be easier if you were. A fool for love is happier than a Dog with a heart that's all leather.”
Tamora Pierce
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“A cat understands how to be pleasant in the morning. He doesn't talk.”
Tamora Pierce
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“She has teeth like stars and hair like sheep fuzz”
Tamora Pierce
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“rosto cupped laddybuck in one hand and grabed the back of my neck with the other pulling me in and kissing me right on the mouth. i should have punched him but his lips were soft and sweet. i will punch him next time. -beka after she realizes that rosto the piper is the new rouge”
Tamora Pierce
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“No more is your master a god, Nobility, but he wants offerings from all. When Black God claims us, who will be punished for giving worship and power to a false god? The prince? Or Banjiku?”
Tamora Pierce
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“Never break a promise to an animal. They're like babies—they won't understand.”
Tamora Pierce
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“Libraries are places where the damaged go to find friends”
Tamora Pierce
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“I was stark raving mad, and my family was too polite to mention it. That's what living with the Yamanis does to people. They get so well-mannered they won't mention you're crazy.”
Tamora Pierce
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“Just because I'm no jaw clacker doesn't mean there should be a ruction put up whenever I have sommat to say.”
Tamora Pierce
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“And if they don't believe us, I can give them the ghost eyes, you can go all big and threatening, Farmer can do his cracknob simpleton, and my lady can don her nobleness. We'll do all right.”
Tamora Pierce
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“Without patience, magic would be undiscovered - in rushing everything, we would never hear its whisper inside.”
Tamora Pierce
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“I met the oddest little fellow today, Alan of Trebond.”
Tamora Pierce
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“If Cape wasn't your last name, what was your real one?" I asked, deathly curious now. "Ahhhh," he complained. "Pincas Huckleburr.”
Tamora Pierce
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“Alan, you seem to think we won't like you unless you do things just like everyone else. Have you ever thought we might like you because you're different?”
Tamora Pierce
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“Books are still the main yardstick by which I measure true wealth.”
Tamora Pierce
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“Have I mentioned that I hate it when you're right?", she asked instead. Alanna shook her head. "No, I don't believe you have. As far as I could tell, you never thought I was right.”
Tamora Pierce
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“it's your own fault for encouraging him..., you know. Now he thinks he's a human being.Neal of Queens cove”
Tamora Pierce
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“If arrogance were shoes, he'd never go barefoot.”
Tamora Pierce
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“Money talks and walks, but it does not bark.”
Tamora Pierce
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“You aren't a bit romantic, are you?" he asked, amused.She sat back and stared at him. She was beginning to think that Neal required a keeper. He seemed to have the craziest ideas. "Romance? Isn't that love stuff?" She asked finally."It's more than just love. It's color, and-and fire. You don't want things magnificent and filled with-with grandeur," he said, trying to make her understand. "You know, drama. Importance. Transcendent Passion.""I just want to be a knight," Kel retorted, putting her used tableware on her tray. "Eat your vegetables. They're good for you.”
Tamora Pierce
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“Scary with you is better than scary without you”
Tamora Pierce
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“I want to marry her, when I grow up to be a man.”
Tamora Pierce
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“Dreadful sorry mistress. Ma always said I was too silly to die”
Tamora Pierce
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“He has artistry," he repeated. "Because that's what it takes to blow things up. And cook his arm.”
Tamora Pierce
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“If her rump were any stiffer, she'd break it every time she rides', I thought to Pounce.'If she fell on the steps, they would never be able to put her together again', he replied.”
Tamora Pierce
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“Shouldn't you know what love's like, before you begin renouncin' it" George Cooper”
Tamora Pierce
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“If you look hard and long, you can find us. If you listen hard and long, you can hear any of us, call any of us that you wish.”
Tamora Pierce
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“Tortall and the Queens Riders!”
Tamora Pierce
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“WE do try to eat," Raoul called back to her [Kel]. I go all faint if I don't get fed regularly. Only think of the disgrace to the King's Own if I fell from the saddle.""But there was that time in Fanwood," a voice behind them said."That wedding in Tameran," added the blonde Sergeant Osbern, riding a horse-length behind Kel."Don't forget when what's-his-name, with the army, retired," yelled a third."Silence, insubordinate curs!" cried Raoul. "Do not sully my new squire's ears with your profane tales!""Even if they're TRUE?" That was Dom. It seemed Neal wasn't the only family member versed in irony.”
Tamora Pierce
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“There is a saying in the Islands. Beware the women of the warrior class, for all they touch is both decorative and deadly.-Yuki”
Tamora Pierce
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